The Book of Rules Created by: Miranda Ervin

Driving on the freeway

Rules of Behavior:

1) Do not neglect your blinker. 2) Do not go over the speed limit. 3) Do not swerve between lines.


1) Yelling at other drivers 2) Flipping others off 3) Following on someone's tail

Sociology class

Rules of Behavior

1) No chewing gum 2) No talking when others are talking 3) Electronics are not allowed


1) Not doing homework 2) Purposefully failing a test 3) Rolling your eyes at Ward

Eating lunch in the school cafeteria

Rules of Behavior

1)No food fights 2) Do not leave early 3) No bullying


1) Don't purposefully make a mess 2) Clean up your mess 3) Don't yell across the cafeteria

A first date

Rules of Behavior

1) Do not be late 2) Use your manners 3) Do not be disrespectful and/or rude


1) Put phone down 2) Use utensils 3) Don't bring up exes

Movie theatre

Rules of Behavior

1) No talking 2) No ringtone 3) No video recording


1) Using your phone 2) Sleeping 3) Voicing comments about the movie

Formal dining in a restaurant

Rules of Behavior

1) No dine and dashing 2) Must have shoes and shirt 3) No using others reservations


1) Yelling at a waitress 2) Pointing at others 3) Calling the manager over nothing

Answering the telephone

Rules of Behavior

1) Say your greeting first 2) Do not hang up before hearing them 3) Do not answer a call as another person


1) Be curious 2) Don't just blabber 3) Start off nicely

An interview for a new job

Rules of Behavior

1) Don't yell 2) Don't get impatient 3) Don't chew gum


1) Dress nicely 2) watch what you say 3) Use manners/be nice and thankful

Meeting the Significant Others parents.

Rules of Behavior

1) Use your manners 2) No arguing with anyone 3) Don't bring up religion


1) No arguing 2) No parking on the front lawn 3) Bring something for them

Having a party

Rules of Behavior

1) Don't expect something in return 2) Do not fight with your guests 3) Be ready before guests come


1) Thank your guests for coming 2) Yelling at guests 3) MakIng your guests work

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