Buddhist Architecture Of worship

The Potala is a very symbolistic construction in Tibet. It's spectacular stylish outline and size make it one of the most beautiful architectural buildings in the world. It has a large scale consisting of a great number of houses, towers, and chapels inside. This palace is located on a high altitude level of approximately 3700 meters from sea level. This palace can be traced back from more than 1300 years ago , and have been reconstructed from years to years. The Potala is now regarded as one of the holiest buildings of Tibetan Buddhism.

Some of the very historic and representative sculptures that have been preserved for hundreds of years.

The Temple of the Tooth, located in Kandy city. It is also located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy. This miraculous remain was initially found in 1595, and was later ratified that it was kept and preserved in Kalinga and smuggled to the island by Hemamali and her husband during 300s B.C.E. Its architectural features includes its most salient symbol----the wave wall. The brick of the wall goes along the edges around the temple making a outline that encases the entire temple. Its peaceful surroundings as well contributes to its popularity among Buddhist tourists.

Some of the interior beauties of the palace.

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