
Creative Sovereignty Lab Relationality | Filmmaking | Apprenticeship

A community-based learning effort committed to Indigenous relational processes and challenging conventional film practices.

The Creative Sovereignty Lab came together to create a short film about intergenerational trauma and friendship entitled Braided Together (Dir. Victoria Anderson-Gardner and Kyle Schmalenberg).

Braided Together, Thunder Bay, ON

Integrated into the professional film production were a series of workshops, community-learnings, and team reflections focusing on relationality and process. Crew members were paired up with Apprentices to learn on-set production skills, which was then followed by a multi-month accompaniment period where each was encouraged to develop their own screenplays.

Braided Together, Toronto Follow Up

The Creative Sovereignty Lab held a follow up gathering for all participants that included group reflection on insights developed during the Thunder Bay production, meetings with Canadian film professionals, and a community screening of a behind-the-scenes video of Braided Together. It culminated in a sharing of screenplays, as well as seed funding for next rounds of productions.

Winner Audience Choice Short Award ImagineNATIVE Film Festival, 2022

Braided Together

Winner Audience Choice Short Award 2022
Official Selection 2022
Winner People's Choice Award 2022
CSL Thunder Bay and Braided Together were generously supported by: