Asemic Writing open semantics and intepretation

Asemic Text, a wordless open semantic text, is open to interpretation. As Barthes mentions in regards to Loyola, Fourier, and Sade, the notion that "the language they found is obviously not linguistic, a language of communication... a new language, traversed by natural language, but open only to the semiological definition of TEXT (8) figures nicely into the notion of asemic text.

Pleasure, being invented. A scene of writing. Dictation occurring at the scene of fantasy (163). The product of poetic technique.

What is a paradigm? The libertine strives to broaden, i.e., destroy them: since language proposes a separation of transgressions, the libertine will do ANYTHING to join the terms...the victim will resist this jumbling together and to maintain the incommunication between the criminal morphemes (150-152).

All these units are subject to rules of combination — or composition. These rules may readily permit a formalization proposed by our linguists: in sum, this would be the tree of crime (29).

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Brian Gaines

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