
Titanic Blwyddyn 5 a 6 - Ysgol Gymuned y Fali


Dewiswyd thema’r Titanic gan blant Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn Ysgol Gymuned y Fali. Wrth greu cynllun tymor hir, bu’r athrawon yn ystyried y pedwar diben dysgu gan anelu at roi’r sgiliau i gysylltu a chymhwyso'r wybodaeth honno o fewn testunau gwahanol. Roedd y thema’n cynnwys prosiect llys, matiau theme, dylunio gwefan a diwrnod chwarae rôl.


The Titanic theme was chosen by the children in Year 5 and 6 at Ysgol Gymuned y Fali. Whilst creating a long term plan, the teachers considered the four purposes of learning and aimed to provide the children with skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts. The theme included a court project, topic mats, website design and a role play day.

Matiau Thema - Topic Mats

Fel rhan o’r thema, dyluniodd yr athrawon gyfres o fatiau thema trawsgwricwlaidd. Isod, fe welwch ddau fat sy'n anelu at ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd, anogir y plant i gwblhau'r rhain yn annibynnol a chanolbwyntio ar y cwestiynau symlach yn gyntaf.

As part of the theme, the teachers designed a series of cross-curricular topic mats. Below, you will find two mats aimed at developing the children’s literacy skills, they are encouraged to complete these independently and focus on the simpler questions first.

Dylunio gwefan mordaith - Designing a cruise website

Cynlluniwyd prosiect i ddylunio gwefan ar gyfer llong fordaith newydd. Cyflwynodd yr athrawon gyfres o gamau bach mewn gwersi llythrennedd a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar yr ymchwil marchnad gychwynnol. Y nod oedd ysgrifennu sgript ar gyfer hysbyseb i'w ffilmio gan ddefnyddio FlipGrid. Mewnosodwyd y fideo, ynghyd â'r wybodaeth ymchwil marchnad, i Safle Google er mwyn creu gwefan yn hysbysebu'r llong fordaith a ddyluniwyd gan y plant.

A project was planned to design a website for a new cruise ship. The teachers introduced a series of small steps in literacy lessons which focussed on the initial market research. The aim was to write a script for an advert to be filmed using FlipGrid. The video, along with the market research information, was inputted to a Google Site in order to create a website advertising the cruise ship designed by the children.

Cwis/Quiz - Google Forms

Defnyddiwyd Google Forms gan Flwyddyn 5 a 6 i greu cwis am y Titanic. Casglodd y plant ffeithiau a gwybodaeth a ddysgwyd yn ystod y thema er mwyn creu map meddwl. Gweithredodd y map meddwl fel cynllun ar gyfer y cwis ac roedd yn cynnwys ymatebion posibl hefyd. Isod, fe welwch enghreifftiau o'r cwisiau a ddyluniwyd gan y dosbarth.

Google Forms was used by Year 5 and 6 to create a quiz about the Titanic. The children gathered the facts and information about the topic in order to create a mind map. This mind map acted as a plan for the quiz and included possible responses too. Below, you will find examples of the quizzes designed by the class.

Cydweithio hefo rhieni - Collaborating with parents

Cynigiodd rhiant gyflwyno ei wybodaeth am y Titanic i ddosbarth Blwyddyn 5 a 6. Rhannodd gyfres o arteffactau a chreu PowerPoint er mwyn dod â’r thema yn fyw.

A parent offered to present his knowledge of the Titanic to the the Year 5 and 6 class. He shared a series of artefacts and created a PowerPoint in order to bring the topic to life.

Pacio bag ar gyfer y Titanic - Packing a bag for the Titanic

Fel rhan o'n testun 'Titanic', gofynnwyd i blant bacio cês yn esgus eu bod yn mynd am daith ar y Titanic. Rhoddodd y plant gyflwyniad ar pam y daethant â phob eitem unigol a phwyso’r bagiau (fel y byddent cyn mynd ar y llong). Deilliodd llawer o waith rhifedd o'r data hwn a gallwch weld y canlyniadau yn y mat thema isod.

Rhannwyd y pwyntiau canlynol gyda’r plant: gall fod yn oer, gall gael tywydd braf, mae’r llong yn foethus, byddwch ar y llong am 6 diwrnod, byddwch yn glanio yn dinas Efrog Newydd, lawer o bethau diddorol i'w gweld…

As part of our 'Titanic' topic, children were asked to pack a suitcase pretending to go for a trip on the Titanic. The children gave a presentation on why they brought each individual item and weighed the bags (as they would before boarding the ship). A lot of numeracy work was derived from this data and you can see the results in the theme mat below.

The following points were shared with the children: it may be cold, the weather may be nice, the ship is a luxury cruiser, you will be on the ship for 6 days, you will be arriving in New York City, there are Lots of interesting things to see…

First Class Day - Diwrnod Dosbarth Cyntaf

Er mwyn ennyn diddordeb y dysgwyr a darparu profiadau bywyd go iawn, crëwyd “Diwrnod fel teithiwr dosbarth cyntaf”. Coginiodd y plant bryd dau gwrs o dan arweiniad aelod o staff yn y bore cyn gosod byrddau y neuadd fel y Titanic moethus. Ar ôl cinio, cymerodd Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ran mewn dawnsio neuadd yr oeddent wedi ei ymarfer yn ystod sesiynau wythnosol.

In order to engage the learners and provide real-life experiences, ‘the day in the life of a first class passenger’ experience was created. The children cooked a two course meal under the guidance of a member of staff in the morning before setting out the hall and tables in the style of the luxurious Titanic. After lunch, the Year 5 and 6 class took part in ballroom dancing which they had practised during weekly sessions.

Prosiect llys - Court Project

Un o flaenoriaethau’r thema oedd creu cwrt chwarae rôl yn yr ysgol. Byddai'r gwrandawiad llys yn caniatáu i'r "White Star Line" gyflwyno tystiolaeth fyddai'n nodi a oedden nhw'n euog o achosi'r trychineb. Roedd llawer o gamau bach yn sicrhau bod y prosiect yn llwyddiannus.

One of the priorities of the topic was to create a role play court in the school. The court hearing would allow the "White Star Line" to present evidence that would indicate whether they were guilty of causing the disaster. Many small steps ensured that the project was successful.

Senedd Cymru

Cymerodd Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ran mewn cyfarfod rhithwir gyda Delyth Williams a Rhun ap Iorwerth i ddysgu am y Senedd Cymru. Cafodd y plant gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau a rhannu’r hyn mae’r cyngor ysgol wedi’i gyflawni dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf.

Year 5 and 6 took part in a virtual meeting with Delyth Williams and Rhun ap Iorwerth to learn about the Senedd Cymru. The children had the opportunity to ask questions and share what the school council has achieved over the last year.

Gwybodaeth ac ymchwil - Information and research

Cyflwynodd Mr Beardmore (athro yn Ysgol Gymuned y Fali) wahanol ardaloedd y llys i’r dosbarth trwy gyfres o wersi rhyngweithiol.

Mr Beardsmore (teacher at Ysgol Gymuned y Fali) introduced the different areas of the court to the class through a series of interactive lessons.

Paratoi ar gyfer y llys - Prepartion for the court

Ar y pwynt yma, roedd pwyslais ar lais y plentyn. Cyflwynwyd gwahanol deithwyr o’r Titanic a phenderfynwyd pwy hoffent ei gyfweld.

At this point, there was emphasis on the child’s voice. Different passengers from the Titanic were presented to the class and they decided who they would like to interview.

Gwrandawiad llys - Court hearing

Cynhaliwyd y gwrandawiad llys yn ystod un prynhawn ac anogwyd y plant i wisgo'n iawn ar gyfer yr achlysur. Gweithredodd cadeirydd y llywodraethwyr fel y barnwr ac arweiniodd y gweithgaredd chwarae rôl. Holwyd y gwahanol dystion a buont yn rhyngweithio â'r bargyfreithwyr. Er bod rhywfaint o'r gweithgaredd wedi'i sgriptio, anogwyd y plant i fyrfyfyrio a meddwl yn ofalus am yr hyn oedd yn cael ei ofyn.

🚨 Cafwyd The White Star Line yn euog o achosi’r trychineb! 🚨

The court hearing took place during one afternoon and the children were encouraged to dress properly for the occasion. The chair of governors acted as the judge and lead the role playing activity. The different witnesses were questioned and interacted with the barristers. Although some of the activity was scripted, the children were encouraged to improvise and think carefully about what was being asked.

🚨 The White Star Line was found guilty of causing the disaster! 🚨

Riliau newyddion - Newsreels

Y cam olaf yn y broses oedd creu rîl newyddion o'r digwyddiadau llys gan ddefnyddio lluniau a delweddau. Ysgrifennodd y plant sgriptiau a recordio troslais gan ddefnyddio iMovie. Mae hyn yn cysylltu ag un o’r pedwar diben: dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy’n defnyddio technolegau digidol yn greadigol i gyfathrebu, darganfod a dadansoddi gwybodaeth.

The last step in the process was to create a newsreel of the court events using footage and images. The children wrote scripts and recorded voiceovers using iMovie. This links to one of the four purposes: ambitious, capable learners who use digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyse information.