Family- Adenoviridae
Genus- Atadenovirus, Aviadenovirus, Ichtadenovirus, Mastadenovirus, Siadenovirus
Family Characteristics- Over 100 types of adenoviruses have been found that affect mammals and birds. The family is divided into two genera, avian adenoviruses and mammalian adenoviruses. These viruses infect membranes of respiratory and urinary tracts, eyes, intestines, and the nervous system. They were first isolated from human adenoids and are named after them.
Life Cycle- Adenoviral infections usually last from days to a week but in severe cases they can last up to 2-4 weeks. The virus will attach itself to the host and lytic protein releases a viral capsid to rupture the endosomal membrane. The virus then penetrates the host nucleus and alters DNA replication. The virons assemble in the nucleus and are released trough lysis of the cell.
Virulent Attributes- Infection can be spread through respiratory or ocular secretions. The virus is common in children and infants and they do not occur epidemically. Composed of double stranded linear DNA, adenoviruses often manifest as upper respiratory diseases like pneumonia and acute follicular conjunctivitis. They also can affect the digestive system as gastroenteritis.
Medical Research- The adenovirus strains are extensively researched as tools in mammalian molecular biology. Because viruses infect the body, people think of them as a negative. Sometimes viruses can be used positively to solve problems. Scientists in the UK are using the Adenovirus to find a cure for cancer. In this therapy, the virus cells would be coated to avoid detection from immune cells and therefore could kill cancer cells without destroying other healthy cells.
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