Courage and Foolishness What is the DIFFERENCE between courage and foolishNess?

I think courage is when you do something to help people not just your self; some acts of courage are actually foolish. When you're helping people - that is true courage.

Poseidon was the God of the sea, and he had true courage.

He was courageous in many ways.

When he was feeling kind he protected sailors from sea monsters and blessed them with good fish caches to feed their family. He also protected the world from earthquakes because the sea wrapped around the world.

Travelling by water was very important because flight had not been invented yet making Poseidon very popular. This made him happy and he lived happly for the rest of his life.

Courages people often go too far. Heroes in Greek Myths also go too far, here is an example:

Bellerophon and Pegasus

Bellerophon was a great hero but be decided on one more adventure: he flew to mount Olympus but he suffocated and died.

Eagle torturing Prometheus

Prometheus was a Titan that sided with the gods in the war. After the war with the gods he gave human kind fire without Zeus's permission. That is true courage because he sacrificed himself for the greater good (his pinishment was being chained to a rock and an eagle tortured him).

If Myths were real we would not be here today!

After that, Zeus decided to erase humans all-together. He sent out a great flood but Prometheus was listening, he sent a message in a king's dream and when the flood came he climbed the highest Mountain. When the flood cleared Zeus was suprised that enybody had survived, so he rewarded him by by letting all the humans back to the world.

It was a truly courageous act because Prometheus sent a message to not let us die.

The end

After writing this I learnt the difference between courage and foolishness.

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