World War I The battles that chaNged the war

The battle for leige was launched on August 5 1914. The Germans take actions and plan to take the position with 320,000 troops. This seemed like an overkill! There were only 35,000 troops occupying liege. As the first few days of the battle went on not either side was getting anywhere. The battle was not going anywhere.

The war was expected to last at most two days, but besides the expectations the troops occupying liege fought back with great force. Germany didn't take the town till the 15th of August. Germany took liege's 12 fortresses, but not until they brought out there most advanced artillery.

The battle of Jutland

The battle for Jutland that was located off Denmark's North Sea Coast. The battle consisted of 250 ships, and around 100,000 men. This battle was the only major sea battle of the war. The battle was considered a win on both sides, because the British gained control of the North Sea, but a victory for Germans because of the casualtie results.

The battle took place in the late afternoon of May 31, 1916. By the time the battle had ended a total of 3,058 Germans had lost their lives and 62,000 tons had been destroyed, whereas on the British side 6,784 men had died and 111,000 tons had been lost. The British had won the battle for the land because of their superior ship disign.

Battle of Somme

The battle of Somme, or Somme offensive took place in between July 1 and November 1 of 1918. The offensive was to go along with a French attack. The offensive was a very bloody battle for the Allies and Central powers.

The four month long offensive took the lives of over 1.5 million ally and central power lives. The battle was a fail, and the only outcome was a weakening point in German defense. After the battle had ended there was a Long stalemate, and neither sides advanced.

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