How we Breathe The respiratory system

The respiratory system provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body

A mucous membrane produces a thick substance called mucus that moistens, lubricates, and protects the mucous membrane.

Mucus in the nasal passages and sinus warms and moistens the air and traps dust particles and pathogens.

When you inhale, air travels through your nose or mouth and into your trachea.

Cilia, which are located in your trachea, are hairlike structures that will remove particles from the air so dust does not go in your lungs.

The trachea then guides the air into the bronchi and lungs.

The epiglottis covers the entrance to your trachea so food does not go into your lungs.

The bronchi are two tubes that move air into the lungs.

The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system, and when the bronchi enter the lungs they branch out to form bronchioles.

The bronchioles are the smaller tubes that branch out to form the alveoli.

The alveoli are air sacs that let oxygen go into your capillaries, and they also remove carbon dioxide from them.

The oxygen then goes throughout your body and your blood goes back to the lungs to release carbon dioxide

Take a quiz on everything you just learned about the respiratory system

All information was taken from Meeks Heit, Health and Wellness Book written by Linda Meeks, Philip Heit, and Randy Page.


Created with images by artinthehead - "medical anatomy science" • toubibe - "x ray image x ray thorax" • Spring Dew - "Sinuses" • Donald Lee Pardue - "Breathe Deep" • Spring Dew - "Bronchi" • Hey Paul Studios - "untitled image" • jetheriot - "cartilage" • Joe Crawford (artlung) - "lung illustration" • qimono - "blood cells red"


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