
Colourful Creations Nursery, summer term, week 3

We just love mixing colours. This week the children have been working with Miss Shaw to create beautiful paintings in the style of Eric Carole, adding colour and texture to their work. Miss Taylor has helped us look carefully at the colours and shapes in flowers and to draw what we observe using pastels.

Our writing ability is coming along at speed. We love to have a go at writing some of the new letters we have been learning about.

Studying and copying 'x'
Trying a tricky 'w' letter.
Lots of talk about letters and writing at the writing table.

In maths we have been looking closely at numbers up to five. We've had a go at writing the numerals and have been playing with numbers outside.

Exploring the number '3' with three blocks.
Matching quantity to numeral.
Great team work!

And finally, forest school was a little muddy but it didn't stop us from exploring. We looked at many different types of trees, touching the trunks and the leaves. The children were also interested in reading some of the signs around Chopwell Woods.