Battleship Cannon By: nick sargent

Our goal for this project was to design as a team a step by step, working PVC cannon to shoot tennis balls at a certain distance or target. To begin the project, we had to create the cannon which would be made from PVC pipe that would shoot the tennis balls. We followed the instructions on creating the cannon and measured out the pieces of pipes that we would eventually glue to each other.

Once our PVC pipe cannon was completed, we had to start brainstorming some ideas of what our base design to hold the cannon would look like. This was our first major problem we encountered as we had to figure out what our base would look like. Our first idea was to create a tripod looking mechanism with moveable legs but we soon realized that would not work at all because it would fall over easily. We then decided to have a more flat and sturdier base that looked like the image below.

We then started to design our base in OnShape and making sketches of our design on the whiteboard.


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