
Adobe Onboarding: Welcome LGfL Schools <<Scroll Down to Get Started>>

Quick tip videos (Microsoft, Google, USO) | Full series of on-boarding videos

Quick tips

How to go about the deployment really depends on the identity system in place at your school (#1-3 below). Please follow the options below depending what applies to your school.

#1 My school uses Microsoft Azure ID (teachers and students have Office 365 accounts)

Step-by-step instructions how to connect Office 365 and Adobe Admin Console for Single Sign On.

#2 My school uses Google Cloud Identity

Step-by-step instructions how to set up the Google Connector (first video) and how to assign product profiles to the users (second video).

#3 My school uses LGfLmail.net or LGfLmail.org for emails for staff and students

If your school uses LGfLmail.net or LGfLmail.org for emails (your emails for staff and students are either joe.doe@lgflmail.net or joe.doe@lgflmail.org) you need to create trust between your school’s console and the LGfL main Console that owns these domains. The below video walks you through how to do this.

Full on-demand on-boarding video series

1. Introduction (3 min)

2. Set-up and Deployment (9 min)

3. Admin Console Walk-Through (7 min)

4. Resources and Support (4 min)

For further information about your licenses from LGfL and resources available, please visit the LGfL page for IT Admins.

Created By
Sanna Eskelinen