Quick tip videos (Microsoft, Google, USO) | Full series of on-boarding videos
Quick tips
How to go about the deployment really depends on the identity system in place at your school (#1-3 below). Please follow the options below depending what applies to your school.
#1 My school uses Microsoft Azure ID (teachers and students have Office 365 accounts)
Step-by-step instructions how to connect Office 365 and Adobe Admin Console for Single Sign On.
#2 My school uses Google Cloud Identity
Step-by-step instructions how to set up the Google Connector (first video) and how to assign product profiles to the users (second video).
#3 My school uses LGfLmail.net or LGfLmail.org for emails for staff and students
If your school uses LGfLmail.net or LGfLmail.org for emails (your emails for staff and students are either joe.doe@lgflmail.net or joe.doe@lgflmail.org) you need to create trust between your school’s console and the LGfL main Console that owns these domains. The below video walks you through how to do this.
Full on-demand on-boarding video series
1. Introduction (3 min)
2. Set-up and Deployment (9 min)
3. Admin Console Walk-Through (7 min)
4. Resources and Support (4 min)
For further information about your licenses from LGfL and resources available, please visit the LGfL page for IT Admins.