Ponder. ManiFEST.

And now it all begins... He has risen

Just as He said...

this is our prayer. Lord Jesus...

just as You did then...
invade... walk with us!

start Pondering... MANIFEST!

for 40 days... this is our prayer... Jesus Manifest Yourself to me... as I Ponder the time between Your resurrection on and Your return to the Father... Lord, show up! Appear to me, speak to me... Holy Spirit be my Helper and constant companion as I pray MANIFEST.

Luke 24 - John 21- Mark 16


pen to paper
scribble, star, draw, ...


  • define the Word.
  • through original language
  • the good old dictionary :)
  • cross references

Click on buttons below for links to Original language.

pen to paper


  • music
  • art
  • images


  • pray and ponder
  • discuss and share
To my Pondering friends on Easter morning... taking Ponder to the Tea level! (and no I didn't plan that... not that organizd! I had it in the pantry!)

This week: focus on

Any words the Spirit leads you to... pray and ponder and write!

Risen, Rememeber, Manifest!

"REMEMBER" how He Spoke to you...

Lord... help me remember! Recall... bring to mind what You have spoken to me. I forget. Give me tangible reminders of what You have spoken. Help me find art, music, images, that are MARKERS of what You have said and done!

Every week we will dig deeper into the Word. Manifest.

Sign up to be on our email list to recieve weekly tools & triggers to Ponder!

Pondering. Words. One Word at a time. Using art, music, and images as triggers to keep us abiding throughout the day, night, week... If you want to receive these weekly messages via email... scroll up and hit button that says "sign up for mailing list". We will send you info on what we are doing with Ponder and keep in touch.

Email us and let us know you are pondering... If you are gathering with one or a few... we have tools to help you as you ponder... so let us hear from you!

You can save this to your home screen on your phone. When you do that, it acts as an app. So you can view it or share it easily. Invite people to Ponder. Manifest!

Created By
Michelle Travis

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