Addressing Water Pollution Concerns in Rio By: BBEENN BBUUHHRROOWW

The International Olympic Committee is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland with a total of 92 members, 36 honorary and one honour member. Jacques Rogge is the honorary president of the International Olympic Committee. The purpose of the International Olympic Committee is to ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games, encourage and support a responsible concern with the environment. They also promote sustainable development in sport and demand compliance by the Olympic Games with these tenets.

The International Olympic Committee should definitely take action. One thing that they could do for the athletes is just give them bottled water to make sure they don’t get sick. What they are doing is just waiting and seeing how long this is going to take for the water to be unpolluted.
“I’m not an expert in water pollution, we have to leave it to the experts to tell us what is achievable, and in which time frame.”

During my research I learned many things about the 2016 Summer Olympics. One thing I learned is that there is a big water pollution problem in Rio de Janeiro.

Created with images by Ndecam - "Carnaval 2014 - Rio de Janeiro" • tetedelart1855 - "Theatro Municipal" • Wengen - "brazil rio de janeiro kopakabana"

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