
Class 7 Autumn term 2

Newspaper reports

During This terms literacy, we produced our very own newspaper reports which retold the events of the oaks colliery disaster. The children were instantly hook into their learning by investigating a range of artefacts linked to coal mining.

We put ourselves in the shoes of the miners who worked down the pit to think about their job roles and what they might say to one another.

Following this, we identify different forms of direct and indirect speech to generate our own quotation.

Structuring our writing

We explored using journalistic phrases to give our writing a real sense of cohesion.

In Maths, we have coveRed a huge range of mathmatical concepts from exploring Types of angles and lines, coordinAtes as well as types of triangles.


This term, we have enjoyed getting active and learning about the skills needed to play tag rugby. The children have learnt how to pass and receive a ball at speed, as well as work collaboratively with their team mates to defend against the opposition.

Topic (Life through the mines)

Throughout this unit of history, the children have contextualise a significant period in Barnsley history through exploring a range of primary and second sources.

They have collected information to compare and contrast two mining communities.

As well as looking at a range of historical information to gain a deep understanding about the history of coal mining.

We produced our very own key note presentations which allowed the children to share their learning.

Next term, Our topic will be focused On design technology. The children will working practical to design and produce a product.

IN ADDITION TO THIS, THE CHILDREN WILL STILL BE TAUGHT SRE AND NEXT TERMS LEARNING WILL INVOLVE: Safety and the changing body: • Online safety • Benefits/risks of sharing online info • Private and public • Age restrictions • Physical/emotional changes of puberty • Tobacco risks • Helping someone with asthma


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