Gender role Inequality Jody saying his wifes place is "in de home" to the COMMUNITY In Chapter 5

"Ah never married her for nothing oak that. She's uh woman and her place is in de home." Pg#43 Ch.5 This quote shows that gender roles are really messed up and how a woman can't work or do anything but be at home. This is how it was back in the day. The man works all day while the mother stays at home and takes care of the baby or clean.

"Thank you duh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bout no speech makin'." Pg#43 Ch.5 Jody saying that Janie doesn't know nothing but being at home like the women were supposed to back in the day and saying that she doesn't have no sense to the people. This shows gender role inequality in their marriage.

"Oh Jody I can't do nothin' wild no store lessen youse there." Pg#43 Ch.5 This shows that Janie got ask to look over some stuff in the store by Jody the "mayor", but Jody said that she can't do nothing but be at home. So she was kind of mocking him saying that she's like not smart enough to be capable of it.


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