district G

Structure of Government: Monarchy

King decides and servants pass along what King says

Until death will he rule and then will be passed down to son

To become king you must be born into family or married into

Jobs within the law making body: Guards Cooks Nannies Daily Servants

How are members removed: death or treason, sickness

Penalties for removal: no homes or money

Privileges of following the King: home shelter and protection

Through the King he makes the laws

Things the King can do: declare war, regulate trade,

Get the King cannot do: Mass killings, killing for no reason


In order to reproduce and replenish our age demographics 18 year old females must have at least one child. Upon having a child the king then provides free education while the elders care for the child in which eliminating the school drop out rate.
We will open our land to groups of diverse travelers in order to diversify out population.
In order to raise the literacy rate we will provide free education for 21 year olds and under given they have an independent.
Students must volunteer their time to the health care facilities to keep the elderly alive and lively.
In order to inhance nuclear intelligence opening our land will further gain relations and treaties with allies countries.
In which situation allows no hoarding the soldiers within the districts during war time.
King assistance and aid to infants and independent to decrees the infant mortality rate.
Elders must accompany the jobs of the province leaders and care for the independents of those during school.
Every district is granted freedom of religion, press, voice.
We will use our wall protocol to aid countries in return increase our numbers.
King vows to protect prisoners abasing cruel and unusual punishment.
Once completing school men and women can chose to represent our land as a traveler.

Economic System: give the people what they want and need

Revenue Sources: manufacturers

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