Inclusion Makes the World More Vibrant!
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Temple Building Reminders
With Covid cases on the rise, it’s important that we all adhere to Temple policies to keep our staff and each other safe:
- Do not come if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, even if you think it is only a cold.
- Always wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
- Call first to let the office know you are coming. Only one visitor in the office at a time.
- Respect social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.
Rabbi Randy Sheinberg
“Beauty is Always in the Things That are Imperfect” (Alyson Gerber)
- If you ask somebody to name the most prominent figure in the Torah, chances are they will respond “Moses." Moses is after all the strong, courageous leader of the Israelites. Raised in the Egyptian palace, he could have lived out his life in luxury and security. Instead, he opted to accept the challenge that God gives him - to present himself before Pharaoh and argue for the liberation of the Jewish people. And his leadership does not end there. Once the people cross the Sea of Reeds to freedom, Moses devotes the next forty years of his life to guiding them through the wilderness until they reach the borders of Eretz Yisrael and are ready to enter their new homeland.
- Chances are you know that much about Moses. Moses is undoubtedly one of the heroes of the Jewish faith. However, did you know that he had a disability?
- Moses is assigned the task of confronting Pharaoh, yet it is not that easy for him to accept the task. He does not feel like he has the capability to do it. He tells God, “I am heavy-mouthed and heavy-tongued.” (Exodus 4.10) While some readers interpret this verse to mean that Moses simply lacks confidence in his speaking ability, others suggest that he has a physical speech impediment, a deformity of some kind that makes it difficult for him to be understood.
- Why would Moses be chosen for this task? Why would someone with a disability become the most important Jewish leader of Biblical times? Perhaps the Torah is trying to teach us about inclusion. If Moses, our Teacher and Prophet was chosen for the task of leading the Jewish people, then certainly we need to include and value the people with disabilities in our own midst.
- The month of February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. It is a time to remind ourselves that many in our communities have disabilities - be they physical, mental, emotional or social, be they visible or invisible; and that these disabilities do not disqualify them from fully participating in and taking on critical roles in our community. “Disability” is not the same as “incapability.” Indeed, people with disabilities are just as important to our community as is Moses.
- One story not in our Torah tries to explain how Moses got his speech deformity. When Moses was a baby living in Pharaoh’s court, Pharaoh worried that Moses would someday want to take over his wealth and power. So, Pharaoh devised a test. Two bowls would be placed before baby Moses - one containing shiny gold, the other containing hot coals. If Moses reaches for the gold, Pharaoh will know that Moses could become a threat to the palace. If he reaches for the coals, he is harmless. The angel Gabriel helps guide Moses’s hands towards the coal; Moses places one of the hot coals in his mouth, burning and permanently damaging his tongue and mouth. (Sefer Ha-Aggadah / The Book of Legends)
- What I find fascinating about this story is that an angel guides Moses to acquire his disability. This suggests that his disability is not merely some imperfection Moses has to put up with; it is something divine, holy - and potentially the source of his power.
- In a few days we will host our Annual Scholar in Residence, author and speaker Alyson Gerber in honor of Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. She will share stories of her own experience as a person with disabilities. I encourage you to come hear her. I had a chance to hear to an interview with Ms. Gerber which reminded me of the midrash about baby Moses. In it she said, “Beauty is always in the things that are imperfect. (My disability) is the thing that I like most about myself. It makes me brave and strong and capable and more courageous than I would be without it.”
May we each learn to honor, respect, and learn from our own personal disabilities and challenges. May we continue to create communities of inclusivity that are beautiful and holy in their imperfection.
a Message to our congregation
Temple President
andrea comerchero
An Inclusive Community is a Strong Community
- Disabilities come in many different shapes and sizes…When I was a kid, my grandfather volunteered at Abilities (a school for disabled children.) I used to visit the school with him during school vacations or when he wanted to spend the day with me. (Yes, he took me out of school just for fun!)
- My grandpa had many friends at the school, yet the person that left the biggest impression on me was Alex, a member of the school’s maintenance staff. Alex was born with stumps for arms and stumps for legs. He drove a special car around the school and – at least in my eyes – could do almost anything. I loved driving with Alex as he showed me all the wonderful things around the school, and he let me help him do his job.
- In high school I volunteered at Abilities and worked directly with kids with a wide variety of disabilities and learning challenges. After a while, like with Alex, I did not see the wheelchairs or hear the stutters. I just saw the kids without letting their disabilities get in the way. It was an incredible experience that taught me a lot about inclusiveness and accepting the differences we all have.
- I encourage everyone to join us for our February 6th Lunch & Learn when our guest speaker, Alyson Gerber will share her personal experience with invisible disabilities and lead a discussion on how we can support and advocate for those we know with disabilities. It is an important conversation to have.
“Hinei ma tov u’ma na’im shevet achim gam Yachad…Behold how good and pleasant it is when all people live together as one.” (Psalm 133)
religious school
Education Director
Adam Yehidi Nivra - “Every Person is a Unique Creation”
- In January we celebrated Tu B'Shevat during Religious School and held virtual Parent Teacher Conferences. Thank you to Cheryl Stern for organizing and running the Tu B'Shevat Program. Also, a big thank you to our parents who have been incredibly supportive of our school, and so helpful with feedback and suggestions as we continuously adjust to remote learning.
- February is a short, but busy month: On February 5th the following students will lead us in Shabbat Services: Grade 6 - Emma Chirel, Khloe Taylor, and Jared Wolfson and from Grade 7 - Rebecca Domeny, Ben Gries, Clara Levy, Rebecca McCorey, Ethan Moy, Jacob Wainberg, and Ellie Weprin. The theme will be Achrayut - responsibility to oneself, family, and community. • February 5th – 7th is also Jewish Disabilities Weekend. We are excited to welcome our Scholar in Residence, author Alyson Gerber. She will share her personal experience(s) with invisible disabilities, like scoliosis and ADHD; as well as lead us in age-appropriate discussions on supporting and advocating for those we know with invisible disabilities. We are looking forward to her student and adult presentations. • Our Purim Shpiel will be virtual this year, but no less fun and entertaining. Join us on February 26th as we celebrate with a joint shpiel with Temple Judea. Our Religious School Virtual Purim Program will be on February 28th.
Do not forget this month is also winter recess...We are closed February 14th through February 21st.
Inclusion, Acceptance, and Hakhnasat Orchim
- From a friend with learning disabilities, to a family member in a wheelchair, your child may need help understanding why some people act, talk, and move differently. The most important message to convey to your child is that disabilities are a part of life, and that you should treat all people with kindness and understanding. Just as our children need to be loved, encouraged, and praised in order to develop into well-rounded and confident adults, so, too they need to be taught to be aware and accepting of all members of society, regardless of their disabilities.
- In Judaism, we have the words “Hakhnasat Orchim” which mean “Welcoming Others.” It is important to explain why children should be included in all activities. Imagine an inclusive world where everyone is accepted, and no one is rejected because they have a disability. What a wonderful opportunity we, as parents and grandparents have, when G-d gives us the gift of an innocent newborn baby and the chance to mold that baby into a fine young man or woman who accepts everyone as they are.
The Tikvah Tots are enjoying a wonderful year of laughing, singing, and storytelling...Won’t you and your little ones join us?
- Please feel free to click on the LINK below to find some more wonderful literature for our children. The stories address inclusion and acceptance of others with special needs, as well as stories about accepting ourselves for who we are.
Director of Youth & Family Engagement
Cheryl Stern
We are ALL Deserving of Kavod (respect), and Need to Be Welcoming and Empathetic to Others (P.J. Library)
- January was a great month for our families and all the activities we had. Our Havdalah and Drive-in Movie was such a nice way to see our Tikvah Family safely, from a far, after our winter break. Our students also learned about the Festival of Trees and their role in everyday life. Each grade had different activities to help them connect to this important holiday.
- Our February Theme is all about inclusion and making everyone feel welcome. Everyone is excited about our Scholar-in-Residence Event on Saturday, February 6th and hearing Alyson Gerber’s motivational words! We are also looking forward to our Youth Shabbat Program, while the adults are having their program.
- As we prepare for this exciting weekend, it is important that we remember we are all created in G-d's image and everyone is different. We all want to try our hardest and to be our best, and that often means we may need to ask for help. Please join us for this special weekend and take this journey with us.
- It is such a treat to have so many smiling faces in our Junior Congregation. A special thank you to the Cantor for creating the slides that allow all of us to sing along and connect with one another.
- We are beginning to prepare for Purim and will be asking for all of our students to help us with decorating and drawings. More details to follow.
Wishing all of you a safe and healthy month…B’Shalom
temple - at - large
Our Communities Are Not Whole Until All Of Us Belong
lifelong learning
Meryl Root
Combined with a Desire to Take Action and Change Systems and Procedures, A Small Seed of Empathy Can Grow into Powerful and Permanent Change for the Better (
- Lunch & Learn: For Jewish Disabilities Month, Lunch & Learn welcomes the critically acclaimed author Alyson Gerber. This inspiring event is entitled: "Invisible Disabilities – Creating Empathy & Understanding."Ms. Gerber will share her personal experience(s) with scoliosis, ADHD, and disordered eating; and she will discuss how to create empathy and support, and advocate for loved ones with similar struggles. She has written three novels geared to a middle school audience, that tell inspiring stories of how girls deal with the challenges of these invisible disabilities. We hope that you will join us on Saturday, February 6th at 11:00am to learn more about invisible disabilities. Please consult the Weekly Update for the Zoom link.
- Torah Study: Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are in the midst of Shemot or Exodus and continue the journey from Mitzraim (Egypt) with the Israelites. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome! The ZOOM link will be published in the Weekly Update each week. We are always welcoming new participants.
- Hyperlinks & Suggestions: All ZOOM information and links are available in the Weekly Updates. Please scroll to the bottom of the Updates for “Lifelong Learning Resources, Learning from Home” with live hyperlinks for a variety of things to do. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me. In addition, if you have any suggestions for a presenter, a film, or topic of interest that would be good for a Lifelong Learning Program, feel free to email at the below LINK and click on Community/Lifelong Learning.
Hag Purim Sameach!
caring community
Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut
You Shall Love Your Neighbor as Yourself (Leviticus 19:18)
- February is the month Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion in our community is highlighted. We are sure you will agree this should be on our agenda all year round, not just in February. For your review, below are some suggestions on how to go about doing this: Listen to People with Disabilities - Take your lead from them. Being an ally is not about taking charge, it is about being willing to learn from people with disabilities and modeling your inclusion and advocacy efforts based on their priorities and feedback. • Work for Inclusion in Your own Community - All communities should be inclusive of people with disabilities, but most were not built with them in mind. While it is important to remove physical barriers for people with disabilities, it is just as important, if not more so, to change attitudes toward people with disabilities. It is also important to understand that "disability" is a broad term that encompasses more than just physical disabilities; we must also work to ensure that people with mental disabilities are fully integrated into our communities. • Advocate for Disability Rights - The Union for Reform Judaism has initiated a program of Disability Inclusion, which is an ongoing effort to ensure full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in every aspect of Reform Jewish life. To learn more, you can contact or visit the Disabilities Inclusion Learning Center.
- Our Clubs are successfully continuing to meet on a regularly monthly basis! The next Afternoon Book Club will meet on February 4th at 1:00pm via ZOOM, to review Olive Again by Elizabeth Stout, and the Evening Book Club will meet on February 8th at 7:30pm via ZOOM to review The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi. The next Creative Writing Group Meeting will be on February 8th at 7:30pm via ZOOM. Please see the Weekly Congregational Email Blasts regarding information on how to access ZOOM for the above events.
Always be a Little Kinder than Necessary…James M. Barrie
President - Marc Gold
Wasn’t it Just New Year’s Eve? 2021 is Already ONE Month Old!
- Our lives are moving along, so do not just sit there; it is time get up and do all that you can, of course taking the necessary precautions along the way.
- As February comes upon us the Temple’s Men’s Club, aka Brotherhood will stand alongside the Temple in supporting people with disabilities, as we begin Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month.
- The operative word for Brotherhood presently is – BUSY!
- FIRST, our Annual Sponsored Defensive Driving Course will take place on Sunday, February 7th at 10:00am.
- SECOND, Brotherhood will hold a Brotherhood Members-Only Raffle for 2 free Shabbat Dinners for two - compliments of our Temple Caterer, Bobby Leshansky and Majestic Caterers. Details about the raffle have already been sent to our members. If you have not already purchased a raffle or two, be sure to soon. Maybe you will win a delicious Shabbat dinner!
- THIRD, our Members-Only Trivia Contest was so successful last month, that we will be having it again later this month on Tuesday, February 23rd at 7:00pm. Look for the ZOOM LINKS in the upcoming Weekly Updates to participate.
- FOURTH, our Annual Pre-Passover Wine Sales will kick off in early March. Passover begins Saturday, March 27th, so look for the menu of items to purchase for your Passover Seders. The bottles of wines can be picked up at our partner, Lake Success Wine Spirit (in the Lake Success Shopping Center) or delivered to your home. This is a Brotherhood Fundraiser, so please support Brotherhood and purchase a bottle or two or three.
- FIFTH, Brotherhood will once again be selling Yellow Yom HaShoah Memorial Candles for Yom HaShoah, which is on Thursday, April 8th this year. The candles will be $3 each. As the time nears, look for the information in the Weekly Updates. Candles can be picked up at Temple or delivered to your homes.
- SIXTH, our Free Shabbat Challah to our members was also a success a few months ago; and we hope the next delivery date will be on Friday, March 19th. The Weekly Updates will keep you posted.
- SEVENTH, Brotherhood is also planning a BINGO Night on ZOOM; the date of this event TBA.
Continue to stay well and safe…Marccc
President - Phyllis Richards
The Best Way to Predict Your Future is to Create It (Abraham Lincoln)
- Sisterhood has always had a commitment to help the special needs population in our Temple and in the community-at-large. We provide funds for Temple Tikvah’s Hebrew School’s Inclusion Program, so that our children who have special needs and their families can have trained staff and resources to meet their needs. This support of our students who have special needs has enabled them to identify as Jewish and be part of Temple Tikvah’s Jewish Family.
- Sisterhood is also involved in helping special populations in the community. We donate to charities that help people facing life’s challenges. This includes Island Harvest and the INN. Before Covid-19 we held annual Golden Age Luncheons where we provided a meal, entertainment, and an afternoon for nursing home groups and Veterans to socially gather. We look forward to the time when we can again provide this wonderful service.
- Fundraising activities enables Sisterhood to have the means to contribute to our Temple and to the community. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has put many restraints on planning fun and profitable fundraising events. However, you will be seeing our 2021 Purim Celebration Events in upcoming Weekly Updates. Last year we were actually together celebrating in person at the 2020 Purim Shpiel and distributing Mishloach Manot Bags to all congregants. Through your sponsorship we raised funds. This year we cannot do the mitzvah of sponsoring the Mishloach Manot Bags, however we hope everyone will be able to participate and donate to our Purim Greeting Card Project. A mitzvah is a mitzvah and there is still time! Please call the Office asap at 516.746.1120. You will also be able to virtually join in as we shake our groggers on a ZOOM Shpiel and make Purim 2021 a fun and joyous time!
- Sisterhood has also been busy planning activities for its membership. On Tuesday, March 2nd there will be a ZOOM Event called “Table Talk.” Look for information about this fun evening coming soon in the Weekly Update and in next month’s issue of the Tikvah Times. We are also planning two more events for Sisterhood Members in the Spring. We all look forward to sharing time spent together, even if it has to be virtually.
It isn’t what we say or think that defines us but what we do....Jane Austen
social action
Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss
February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month
- In the URJ Blog of January 2019, Shelly Christensen wrote: “Genuine acceptance is rooted in the inherent value of Judaism that we are all created in the Divine image. Acceptance is based on two key concepts. First, each one of us has something to contribute to our communities and our world; and second, our communities are not whole until all of us belong.”
- The disabilities activist community has long been fighting for acceptance and inclusion as a civil rights issue. Often a person with disabilities is hampered more by societal prejudice and external constraints than by the actual disability. On this theme, there is an excellent documentary called Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. It is available on Netflix.
- This year we are continuing our association with Immigrant Families Together. Last month we reported the Social Action Committee’s decision to send a family $200 in grocery gift cards along with $200 in Metro Cards donated by Maddy Wolf.
- Here is some information about that family: They are Leticia and Yovany, a mother and son from Guatemala, who arrived at the border in 2017 and were among the earliest victims of the then secret family separation policy. Yovany was put into foster care and Leticia was detained and later deported without her child. Leticia was part of a group of 11 parents in that situation who in September of 2019, were granted the right to return to this country by a United States judge. However, they were not able to return until early 2020. Leticia and Yovany were reunited in NYC in February of 2020 and have been living with a host family in Brooklyn. Leticia recently got her work authorization permit; however, she has not been able to find a full-time job. She is working with a tutor to learn English. Covid has also been a serious challenge in her job search, as it continues to be for so many during this pandemic.
- If you would like to learn more about Immigrant Families Together or support the work they do, you can click on the LINK below. Donations are tax deductible.
- As always, we continue to support the INN. In recent months we have been participating in their winter clothing drive. They need new or gently used - dry cleaned winter coats, new scarves, hats, and gloves, or money to buy those items. To donate click on the LINK below. Donations are tax deductible.
The next Social Action Meeting will be on Sunday, February 7th at 10:30am. If you would like to be added to our mailing list so that you can receive the ZOOM link, please contact any one of us. Your participation and ideas are always welcome.
TODA RABA – תודה רבה
kol nidre
- ANGEL • Ken & Neela Weber
- CHESED • Barbara Silberman
- TZEDEKAH • Lorraine & Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
- BENEFACTOR • Lynn & Jay Beber • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan • Anonymous • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
- PATRON • Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Justin Wax Jacobs Family – Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Janet & Barry Spool
- SPONSOR • Helen & Bob Bader • Maureen & Steve Berman • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Roger Jassie & Cari Pepkin-Jassie • Judith & Joseph Kirschner • Debbie, Larry & David Klig • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Arlene Sheff & Family • Ruth Vincent-Sechechtman • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Irene & Stanley Zorn
- DONOR • Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • The Diamond Family • Anonymous • Edythe Fastow • Sonia Fink • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Sharon Fricano • Ruth Friedlander • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Lori & Mark Gordon • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Susan & Andre Louis • Estelle Magidson & Family • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Phyllis Richards • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Barbara Rosenthal (IMO - Philip Kaplan) • Adam Lee Sabel • Burton & Susan Schall • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Felice Tarter • Anonymous • Leo & Jane Tujak • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Sandra Witt • Jeffrey Young • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
- PARTICIPANT • Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Muriel Gorochow • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Frances Lowenstein • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Mark & Robin Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Sandy Portnoy • Anonymous • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Jaynie Rudick • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Anonymous • Gerty Wolf • Laurence & Ari Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Howard & Gale Zeidman • Elaine & Morris Zipser
- ADULT EDUCATION FUND: Trach Ensminger in memory of Burt Schall • Marian Rothenberg in memory of Burt Schall • Phyllis Richard in memory of Burt Schall • Diane & Robert Sperling in memory of Burt Schall
- HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Gary Rindner in memory of Helen Bader • Leon Tempelsman in memory of Helen Bader
- RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Barry Albert & Cara Diamond-Albert in appreciation of Zoe Albert's Bat Mitzvah • Janet Riger for the needy • Arlene Sheff congratulates Patrice Kolomer on the birth of her grandson, Liam Kenneth Kolomer • Elaine & Howie Weiss in memory of Sue Hurwitz
- SIMCAH FUND: Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in honor of the birth of Liam Kenneth Kolomer • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of the birth of the Kolomer’s grandson, Liam to Patrice & Tom • Doris & Irving Silberman in honor of the birth of Patrice Kolomer’s grandson • Madeleine & Michelle Wolf and Maralyn Sion in honor of Cantor’s Erik Contzius’s Birthday • Marc Pillinger in honor of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg
- SISTERHOOD: Joan Wiener in honor of her great-granddaughter
- SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Sisterhood in honor of the 65th Anniversary of Lorraine & Lester Bertan
- TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Karla Adasse in memory of Ada & Karl F. Schmidlin and Mary Adasse • Robert Bader in memory of Carol Kalish • Betsy Jacobs-Biviano in memory of Hilda Silver • Bernice Bloch in memory of Stanley Bloch • Farhad Bolandakhtari in memory of Ali Bolandakhtari • Board of Trustees in memory of Burt Schall • Brotherhood in memory of Estelle Pearl and James Oglesby • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Carol Cohen • Edythe Fastow in memory of Mitchell Fastow • Gayle & Joel Feinstein in memory of Bernard Rubin • Fran Fredrick in memory of Daniel Markewick • Judy & Mitchell Friedman in memory of Miriam Breakstone and Arnold Herroit • Ruth Friedlander in memory of Philip Friedlander • Vivien Goldbaum in memory of Elaine Biss • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg and Selma Goldberg in memory of Fannie Seifer • Toby & Steven Israel in memory of Ruth Beers and Milton Israel • Joe & Judy Kirschner in memory of Elaine Kirschner • Nancy Kiss in memory of Mina Kiss • Leslie Kizner in memory of Esther Poselle • Esther Krichevsky in memory of Mannie Cantos and Morris Cantos • Judy & Sol Lefkowitz in memory of Abraham Lefkowitz • Lynn Moser in memory of Betty Klig • Susan & Kent Moston in memory of Betty Klig and Sue Hurwitz • Edward & Margery Orenstein in memory of Deborah Orenstein • Sandy Portnoy in memory of Evelyn Portnoy and Rosalie Margolin • Melissa, Emily & Kelsey Price in memory of Tommy Price • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Jack Rosenzweig and Betty Klig • Barbara Silberman in memory of Burt Schall and Sue Hurwitz • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Harriet Kaplan • Karen Stern in memory of Stanley Stern • Felice Tarter in memory of Sue Hurwitz • Patricia Troll & Isaac Roldan in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Stuart & Judy Weinstock in memory of Kurt Weinstock and Burt Schall • Madeleine & Michelle Wolf and Maralyn Sion in memory of Betty Klig, Sue Hurwitz, Burt Schall, Jerry Markowitz, Arthur Skurnick, Helen Bader, and Lisa Freeman • Lina Vargas in memory of James Oglesby • Jennifer & Andrew Zeligson in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Irene & Stanley Zorn in memory of Oscar Riegelhaupt
- THE TREE OF LIFE: Judith K. Fisher in honor of the life of Burt Schall
• The Birnbach & Hurwitz Family in memory of Sue Hurwitz…Thank you Rabbi Sheinberg for your support and guidance during our time of need.
• Dear Friends...It is impossible to thank everyone enough for your kindness and generosity. Every card that was sent, every donation that has been made has been received with love and gratitude. Mostly, I appreciated the fact that all of you really knew Burt. Everyone saw his intelligence, his wit, and his generosity of spirit. This has meant the world to me. Thank you. Be well....Love, Susan Schall
* THE HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND - Bob Bader has set up the Helen Bader Special Projects Fund in honor of his late wife Helen. Helen & Bob have been members of Temple Tikvah for over 60 years. Together they contributed their time and their love, and always showed their commitment to Reform Judaism and our Synagogue. Please join Bob in honoring Helen's dedication to our Temple Community and consider donating to this special fund when you are thinking of making a contribution to Temple Tikvah.
*FEBRUARY'S calendar
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd – Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:45pm
- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd – Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm and Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th - Afternoon Book Club Meeting at 1:00pm; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm; and Meditation at 7:00pm
- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th – Grades 6/7 Service at 7:30pm
- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th – Torah Study at 9:00am; JEWISH DISABILITIES / SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE...Youth Event at 11:00am and LifeLong Learning/Lunch & Learn Event at 11:00am
- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7th – Religious School at 9:30am; Social Action Committee Meeting at 10:30am; and Brotherhood Defensive Driving Class at 10:00am
- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th - Evening Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th - Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th - Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation at 7:00pm
- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th - Torah Saturday at 9:00am
- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th – Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th – Torah Study at 9:00am
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd - Brotherhood Members-Only Trivia Contest at 7:00pm
- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th - Jewish Music & More at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th - EREV PURIM / On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th - PURIM / Purim Shpiel with Temple Judea & Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th - Torah Study at 9:00am; Learner’s Service at 10:15am; and LifeLong Learning at 11:30am
- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28th - Religious School & Purim Celebration at 9:30am & Tikvah Tots Purim at 12:00pm
Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant
Created with images by Bessi - "flower lily lilium candidum" • Myriams-Fotos - "cup of coffee appointment calendar coffee break"