British Values What they are and what they mean to me..

The British values are...

1. The rule of law

The rule of law protects us from the horrible things that some people do to other people of the World. An example of the law is to drive on the left side of the road.

2 .Individual Liberty

We make our own decisions. If someone gave you a brick and you through it and you blamed it on your friend for making your friend feel bad your own fault.

We are free to be nothing but us and we stand separatie to others.

3. Democracy

Example of democracy is when we choose to leave the EU or stay.

Democracy is where everyone is allowed to have an opinion and contribute to the way the country is run.

4. Mutual Respect

Respect is or someone looking after you or paying a lot of attention and time, effort in there work or words.

5. Tolerance

Willing to accept or tolerate other people's behaviour and opinions even if you don't agree with someone.

Gabby & Sophie

Created By
Eagle Primary
Created with images by illustir - "Prison" • kokorowashinjin - "a backpacking travel to europe R009-017" • geralt - "handshake haendeschuettel respect" • ahisgett - "Justice Old Bailey"

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