XeteX Announcement Andrew Wilcox joins company as president

[Coon Rapids, MN / Mar 2nd, 2016] – XeteX, a leading manufacturer of custom engineered air handling equipment for the commercial and industrial markets, announced today that Andrew Wilcox joins the company as President.

Wilcox has a record of driving innovation, growth, and profitability for industry leaders 3M, Trane, Honeywell, and most recently the Greenheck Group where he served as the Vice President and General Manager of the Innovent Custom Air Handling business. Wilcox holds a B.S. in Applied Physics from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and an MBA in Marketing from the University of St. Thomas.

"We are very excited about the strategic expertise Andrew will provide our company," said Keith Hohenstein, Owner and COO of XeteX. "His background and values make him a great fit for this position, and we are looking forward to his leadership and insight."

As President of Xetex, Wilcox will oversee the company’s operations. With a strong background in product development, Wilcox has a track record of driving strategic growth with new products. He also has experience driving operational improvements focusing on Quality and Lean Six Sigma methodologies.

"XeteX’s products are key to the High Performance Green Building initiatives focused on reducing a buildings energy consumption.” said Wilcox, referring to the ASHRAE Standard 189.1-2014 - the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Building Initiative. “We will continue to drive innovation, while maintaining industry-leading quality through our manufacturing processes.”

About XeteX, Inc

XeteX is a leading custom manufacturer of air handling equipment for the commercial and industrial markets. XeteX products provide energy efficient ventilation for buildings delivering the required Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for any application. XeteX was founded in 1985 and is a six-time Inc. 5000 Honoree ranking it as one of the country’s top 5000 fastest-growing private companies. For more information, visit www.xetexinc.com.

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