Adobe Spark Beginners Guide

What is Adobe Spark?

Adobe Spark is a combined version of Adobe Voice, Adobe Slate, and Adobe Post. It is now the integrated web and mobile solution that enables everyone to easily create and share impactful visual "stories."

Adobe Spark supports three story formats:

Spark Post: Enables you to create social media graphics on the fly with a variety of layouts, color palettes, typography styles etc using you own photos or free online photos. It is optimized for each platform

Spark Page: Let's you create a page with a variety supplied layouts where you can add your own photos, free online photos and text. It creates a responsive web page that will fit any device.

Spark Video: Create animated, narrative video with again your own photos, video or free online photos. Supplies a variety of themes and music or can use your own music.

What's the cost and how do I get it?

It is FREE!!!!! If you have a Creative Cloud subscription you can login with that, as well as Google or Facebook.

Platforms supported: The Adobe Spark web application runs on Windows 7 or newer, and Mac OS X. Supported web browsers are Chrome 36 or newer, Firefox 31 or newer, Safari 7 or newer, Internet Explorer 11 or newer, and Microsoft Edge. Chromebook's also supported

The iOS apps will run on any iPhone or iPad running iOS 8 or newer (available in the app store as stand alone applications or can be found on the Sparks web page).

I created my stuff now what?

It is hosted and saved into their cloud so it will always be available for you to access. OR you can download Spark Video movies and Spark Post images. Once you are ready to post you get this screen...


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