Slow Is The New Flow! A therapeutic approach yoga workshop to integrate body and mind, and step into the field of possibility.

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there."

― Jalaluddin Rumi

A therapeutic approach to yoga...

to heal the body through the body!

Each body is as unique as its own thumbprint. Health and healing then, is a process of empowerment through self-study to discover our unique posturalprint, and ultimately come to know our self more deeply.

Some bodies are naturally more stiff, while others are limber and others are somewhere in between. There is no right or wrong type, good or bad, and Yoga knows no preference.

Yoga is relationship with what is, as it is, and it is the field where all possibility lives; a field where we return over and over again to meet and discover our trueprint―the Self.

By slowing down our fast-paced lives, and fast-paced yoga flow classes, we remember to self observe what we are thinking, feeling, believing and how we are posing in any moment, we begin to reconcile misalignments in our body or mind, to rest in a yoga practice that will sustain us at all ages, for a lifetime of therapeutic reward and so much more!

Statistic say, 65-million Americans suffer from occasional or chronic joint & back pain, lost sleep from recurring injuries and/or stress due to issues related of pain.

Research now believes our postural habits, and too much sitting has a lot to do with it.

Slow Is The New Flow workshops.

  • You will learn how you can reverse the dis-ease effects of sitting, and identify postural habits that may be creating misalignments and/or experiences of pain.
  • You will re-shape and integrate your optimal posturalprint for potential increased freedom of movement, and perhaps relief from experiences of pain.
  • Reestablish your optimal alignment with every breath you take by committing to the core to re-learn breathing.
  • Learn about the body as a Tensegrity structure, modern biomechanics and a simple understanding of neuroplasticity to retrain your body/mind.
  • Find out about the vital role your fascia plays as an integrating, intelligent system for health and longevity.

These basics and more, are rooted in the wisdom found in Patanjali's yoga sutras, the principles of steadiness and ease, and self-study in our laboratory of your unique body and experiences.


Shinay Tredeau

200-RYT Yoga Alliance, Certified Yoga Health Coach

Shinay has very cool parents who taught her the names and shapes of yoga postures at age five. When she was 17 Shinay was introduced to yoga’s power of alignment in an Anusara Yoga class. After that, it became clear to Shinay that yoga was part of a lifestyle she wanted to live. She pursued teacher training as a compliment to her extensive studies in dance and performing arts. As a 200-RYT Certified Yoga Teacher she has been offering both public and private yoga since 2012 and continues her studies in yoga and Ayurveda science, and philosophy with Cate Stillman and Bhavani Maki.

Shinay believes you must bring your whole self to the game of life and yoga if you want to life fully in today’s world. This includes your body, your personality, your spirituality and most importantly, your sense of humor.

People who attend Shinay’s yoga classes give praise:

“I like the way Shinay pushes ‘just’ enough, past anything I would do on my own at home but not over the top. Most importantly she brings humor and a nice balance between mind body communication.” –G.G.

“Shinay’s coaching and teaching allows me to experience a deeper level of connection with who I am right now and allows me to create a vision for who I want to become next, and then take practical steps to reach that aim.” –R.T.

Tarini Bauliya

200-RYT Yoga Alliance, Certified by Integrative Yoga Therapy

In 2000 Tarini took her first yoga class at Prescott Yoga with owner Christina Sell. From that day forward, Tarini and yoga were like peas and carrots!

As with all enduring relationships however, infatuation met with conflict, separations and reunions, and it wasn't until a commitment to consistency of practice over her addiction to achievement and the egoic pursuit yoga poses presented to her, did an abiding relationship emerge, one proved over the test of time, and rooted in self-study and a respect for her body's ability at each new age.

Once a certified aerobics instructor, personal trainer and a runner, Tarini is now a recovering athletics addict. After a fifteen-year career filled with hours sitting in airplanes and cars, the combination culminated in spinal arthritis which brought her to her knees in pain. After investigating the harsh solutions modern medicine had to offer, she crawled back to her mat to practice without "posing", and begin a journey of intimate self-study in the laboratory of her own body, to discover a yoga she missed in her previous achievement-based practice, and learn about a mind-body connection to pain.

Certified through Integrated Yoga Therapy, she is a 200-hour RYT incorporating therapeutic alignment principles and invaluable techniques from YogAlign®, among others, that respect our natural alignment and the bodily changes that come with age. Tarini explores these alignment and yogic principles in her home, and teaching practices with curiosity, honesty, and always with a sense of humor.

Tarini is also a blogger, and the author of her first book, Saved From Enlightenment, The Memoir of An Unlikely Devotee.

Workshops are one, or two day events with morning and afternoon session followed by a 30-min Kirtan (Indian chanting optional).

To schedule a Slow Is The New Flow yoga workshop in your area, inquire about pricing and/or hosting an event at your studio, contact:

Shinay Tredeau #(928) 420-3335


Tarini Bauliya #(360)296-1927

Created By
Bruce Weaver




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