
Our amazing planet and how we’re destroying it Don’t let the earth melt!

Climate change (global warming) is a vast problem, which heats up the Earth. It’s caused by the increase of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Is this really what you want for our planet?

Bushfires, which have always been natural, have recently increased in size and frequency. What do you think causes this? GLOBAL WARMING!! We need to stop this!

Australia’s bushfires.

Even if bushfires have always been happening every now and then on Australia’s hot land, I don’t think it’s natural that it’s happened 31 times over the course of five years (2011-2015). Bushfires are very bad for the people of Australia and the houses too. The reason of the sudden increase in bushfires is global warming! We need to stop carbon dioxide from floating up to the ozone layer by: thinking twice about using your car; using public transport more often; and using solar/wind power. Hopefully Australia gets less bushfires in the future and the world’s atmosphere gets cleaner. Bushfires have a massive impact on humans, animals, buildings and the natural world. We should not be polluting the air with toxic fumes and carbon dioxide. We need to stop and think about what we’re doing to the Earth. If we don’t act now, then the Earth will not be habitable anymore.

This is the start of a bushfire.

Global warming also rises water levels by melting ice caps. Because of this, floods become more common and bigger. If we don’t stop the world, will be swallowed by water! It’s all natural but we’re just making it worse!

The more co2 (carbon dioxide) we emit, the more polar bears that lose their homes. Polar bears, which are dying out, are having to swim in polluted water just to get to land.

This is what a polar bear would see.
We can help the planet overcome this problem!

Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a difference.

Use bikes instead of cars whenever possible.

Much of our electricity and heat is powered by coal, oil and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with cold water or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer.

The earth now and in 100 years.

Perhaps you should go for a nice walk instead of a car. Or perhaps you would rather go on a bike ride instead! To help you could plant a tree. If only we stopped this sooner; if only we didn’t make cars; if only we replanted every chopped tree, then the world wouldn’t be heating up.

Stop using your car when it’s unnecessary.

The world’s roads are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or petrol. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. Or carpool whenever possible.

Take a walk instead of a drive!

Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and less meat and dairy, can significantly lower your environmental impact. Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land and water.