My Favorite Saint Saint Catherine of bologna

Saint Catherine of Bologna was born September 8, 1413 in Bologna, Italy. On March 9, 1463, she had died, which was during Lent.

Saint Catherine of Bologna is the patron saint of the arts.

The day in which Saint Catherine of Bologna is celebrated is March 9.

When she was ten years old, her father sent her to the court Marquis of Este in Ferrera. She was taught Latin, along with other subjects, in school with the Princess Margaret. At the age of 17, she had joined the Franciscan Order. Years later, she had started having visions of Christ and Satan, which she wrote about.

When she had died, she was buried without a coffin and her body was exhumed 18 days after. Her body had miraculously become flexible and sweet-smelling instead of rotting naturally. Her body was blackened by exposure of oil lamps and soot. Her body currently sits in a glass case at the Church of the Saint of Bologna still intact.

Prayer of Saint Catherine of Bologna: Dear saintly Poor Clare, so rich in love for Jesus and Mary, you were endowed with greatly talents by God and you left us most inspiring writings and paintings of wondrous beauty. You were chosen Abbess in the monastery of Poor Clares at Bologna. You did all for God's greater glory, and in this you are a model for all. Make artists learn lessons from you, and use their talents to the full. Amen.

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Thank you! Presentation by Riley Somerville

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