Background Information
- on February 1, 1960 Sit-Ins were added to the peaceful activists strategy when four african american college students walked up to a whites-only lunch counter at the local Woolworths store in Greensboro, North Carolina, and asked for coffee. When service was refused, the students sat patiently. Despite threats and intimidation, the students sat quietly and waited to be served.
- The goals of the Sit-ins were to remove the policy of the racial segregation in the southern united states
Who was Involved?
- In April 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. sponsored a conference to discuss strategy. Students from the North and the South came together and formed the STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE (SNCC).
- Angry onlookers tried to provoke fights that never came. In the event of a physical attack, the student would curl up into a ball on the floor and take the punishment. Any violent reprisal would undermine the spirit of the sit-in. When the local police came to arrest the demonstrators, another line of students would take the vacated seats.
Outcome of events
- Students from across the country came together to form the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and organize sit-ins at counters throughout the South. This front page is from the North Carolina A&T University student newspaper. By 1960, the Civil Rights Movement had gained strong momentum.
Modern Inequality
- Some group of people that face inequality now would be female gender. They are sometimes paid less then men.
- woman go through almost the same thing that black people faced in the 60's because they are looked down upon today like black people were before.
- I used this video because It helps explain the sit-ins and how they took place and where they usually took place.