The METRIC System By Nico and Lars
A silly saying to help you remember the metric system is:
King Henry died Monday drinking chocolate milk" k in King stands for kilo h in Henry stands for hecto d in died stands for deka m in Monday stands for meter, liter, and gram. d in drinking stands for deci c in chocolate stands for centi and m in milk stands for milli.
The metric system is based on the base ten system. Here are some conversions we did on the metric system. These are the basic ones. Some conversions you can use decimals.

Some ways meters grams and liters are used are… in a race meters are used to measure how long the track is. Some bottles like fanta are measured in liters. Some dry food from dogs is measured in grams.
Meter page
Hecto grams are almost the same as pounds. 4.536 hecto grams equals 1 pound. 1016 Kilograms are in one ton. A ton is way bigger than a kilogram
Metric system is used in almost the whole world. Only in three countries it is not used. The metric system is not used in India, United States, and Alaska.

This is a meter stick compared to my classmate's height.
Liters page

Some bottles are measured in liters. Coke bottles are measured in liters. A can of soda like Sprite would be 2 liters. 3.785 liters are in a gallon. They are almost the same
Gram page
These raisins are measured in grams

Some food is measure in grams. These raisins are 26 grams that is 2.6 deci grams. Most items are weighed on a scale.

This is a track and field race. It is measured in meters. These people run lots of meters every day to practice for matches.
These pictures are from the Mini Metric Olympics that we did at our school. We did different activities to get points. The person with the less points wins.