Artemis is the god of hunting. Her parents were Zues and Leto. Artemis was born on a island because Hera didn't like Leto. She was a very good hunter. She cauhght four deer in one hunt. When people mocked her family her and her brother didn't take it lightly. They either will hurt them or they will kill that person. Artemis was also very greedy. She got whatever she wanted from her dad Zues. She even got a montain all to herself and an enchanted bow and arow. Artemis got jelouse very eisily. Sometimes people will even say your as jelouse as Artemis. One time a guy named Actaeon thought he was better than her so she turned him to a stag well he was hunting with his killer dogs. When his killer dogs saw him they chased hin to the water and killed him. She is kind of like a villan because She kills people, but she is mostley a godess that is good. The first allusion is she was a protecter of the young. That means to be protective. Another allusion is her arrows. They're posinus they could kill a cyclopes. The third allusion is her hunting skills. They are to good to be true. The secon allusion is her ability to get animals to love her. The third allusion is her bow and arow. The last allusion is her ability to contral with the young humans and with young animals.
This is Artemis the god of hunting. Her brother is a hunter to. They are also twins.