Best-loved folktales from around the world


The country Norway has a land mass of 125,021 square miles. Only a ⅕th of the land mass is 500 feet above sea level, while the rest is in a higher altitude. 80% of the land is made of mountains. Surprisingly, the country has a very cool climate considering how far north it is, since the temperature from January to July is 82 Fahrenheit. On the coast of Norway there are more than 1,700 glaciers covering more than 1,310 square miles in Norway.


In Norway there are more than 1,715 plant, 83 mammals, 442 birds, 7 reptiles, and 5 amphibious species. Humans have lived on Norway for more than 10,000 years. Norway has been a constitutional monarchy for most of its history.The first Vikings were from Norway. In fact, the word ‘Viking’ means “pirate raid” in Norse. Seafood is the most eaten food in Norway because it is almost surrounded by water. Norway is one of the richest countries in the world. The most spoken language in Norway is Norwegian given that their is a lot of cultural influences on Norway from it’s neighboring countries. They are also known to be one of the most peaceful countries in the world.


The winter in Norway can last as long as November to January when the sun almost never rises.On the coast of Norway there are more than 1,700 glaciers covering more than 1,310 square miles in Norway. Along many coastal stretches is a chain of islands known as the skjargård. From the middle of May to July, there are stretches of 24-hour daylight. If you are lucky, you can see the Aurora Borealis.


The environment of Norway had been deteriorating due to the growing population and development of urban cities and buildings. The Norwegians are all mainly Christian. Iceland and Greenland used to be controlled by Norway.There are more than 15 national parks in Norway. It was one of the world’s largest emitters of carbon dioxide.The longest river in Norway flows 380 miles long.Since Norway is surrounded by water, it is the 3rd largest exporter of fish in the world.


Norway is a little bit larger than New Mexico, and slightly larger than twice the size of Georgia.Norway borders Finland, Sweden, and Russia.The terrain is mostly plateaus and high mountains with fertile valleys along with some small,scattered plains. Only 2.7 percent of the land is used for agricultural purposes. 27.8 percent of the land is forests, and the rest is used for housing, industrial uses, and other things.There is a single active volcano in Norway called Beerenberg. Acid rain in Norway is damaging its lakes and killing its fish.


Most of the Norwegians live in the south.There are more than 67 airports in Norway.Norway produces 142 billion watts of energy.Their is only 1 heliport in Norway.Most Norwegians are between the ages of 25-54 years old.Norway has more than 15 every profitable natural resources which makes it one of the richest countries in the world.

Fairy Tale

Boots and the Troll

Boots and the Troll is an old Norse fairytale about a young boy tricking a troll and stealing to please his king. Boots was the youngest of 3 brothers who worked in a castle. The older brothers of Boots saw him getting more and more promotions, they got more and more jealous. They tricked their superior into telling the king he would steal magical items from a troll.

Special beginning

The fairy tale starts with "once upon a time"

Good character

Boots was the protagonist in this story because he accepted his task without complaining even though it was a lie. He also "treated his brothers well, for he thought they were only trying to help him."

Evil character

The brothers and the troll are the antagonists because the brothers "grew quite envious of boots." The troll was evil because he said, "when he's fat, we shall kill him and eat him!" To his daughter.


There is royalty in this story because of the castle and the king.

Magical use

The troll in the story owns silver geese, a quilt with patches of silver and gold, and a magical harp that "whoever listens to it will grow glad."


Boots had to steal from a troll that was going to kill him.

3's or sevens

There are three things that boots must steal and there are three brothers including Boots.


Created with images by bvi4092 - "Vøringfossen waterfall - Norway" • Unsplash - "aurora borealis northern" • bvi4092 - "Vøringfossen waterfall - Norway" • Mariamichelle - "norway kirkenes snowhotel" • DGlodowska - "book reading love story" • coombesy - "statue football hero" • Blacren - "Villain" • charlemagne - "moritzburg castle germany" • nikolayhg - "winter winter magic blue sky" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark hand drawn solution" • Dziunka (an amatour photographer) - "Fields""Norway." Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. Ed. Timothy L. Gall, Susan Bevan Gall, and Derek M. Gleason. 6th ed. Detroit: UXL, 2012. Student Resources in Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. URL URL Website Title:Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations Article Title:Norway Date Accessed:April 09, 2017


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