This Longing.....
This Longing…
Sooner or later,
there comes a time in life
when we recognize
our inner-most voice.
Offering guidance in its promptings
yet until such time,
we listen mostly to those external voices.
Often in desperation
after having exhausted the intellect’s resources
as a last resort,
we listen to hear this voice.
Many times, we say that we seek union
but, with contingencies
the yes, changes to maybe to I don’t know.
We find ourselves at a juncture
perhaps it's death calling at our door,
a tragedy, suffering,
a feeling of emptiness, conflict,
a yearning.
Somehow, call it grace
we come around to hearing this inner voice,
reminding us of who we are
and why we’re here.
In waking up from our trance
we now know that our lives
will never be the same.
Fear, making its presence known
but, with clearer sight
we see how controlled,
how entrapped we've become,
deprived of ease, spontaneity,
and freedom to be.
Its force is strong
doubt, resistance, discouragement,
confusion, anxiety, hopelessness,
dread, are some of its guises.
We learn that denying or avoiding this
fear is futile, and to numb out or
submit to it
we give up our power,
only by facing it
does it become transformed.
We come to realize
fear is of the human self,
abiding serenity is of the Soul;
the more externally resourced,
the more fear we experience
the more internally resourced,
the more we trust and surrender.
A shift in orientation
aligning the human self
with the Soul....
about Darcy
Professional Background
“What brings you here today?”
From the perspective of the LIA Model, we are both human and spiritual beings. Not one or the other but both. If you prefer, ‘spiritual beings’ is synonymous with ‘energy beings.’
Many people are living their lives caught up in the extremes: either there is no higher power and what we see before our eyes is all there is, or physical reality is unimportant and insignificant and all of the focus should be on our spirituality.
Others are disconnected from, are antagonistic and/or indifferent toward their spiritual self. The Living in Alignment approach is designed to develop a healthy and sustainable relationship with both the human and spiritual aspects of who you are.
- Living in Alignment is a term used to describe the state of being or quality of life you’ll experience when your human self is living in partnership with your spiritual self.
- Living in Alignment occurs naturally when you allow your Soul (a name used to refer to your spiritual self) to lead your life.
- You will experience a transformational process: from being primarily “externally” resourced to becoming “internally” resourced.
- Instead of allowing societal conditioning, expectations, and dictates to override your inner truth or knowing (i.e., your intuition), you will learn to listen to and follow the guidance and promptings from your Soul.
- Your subjective experiences of Living in Alignment will offer your intellect the proof it needs to feel confident that Living in Alignment is a more desirable, advantageous, gratifying, and viable option to live your life - it is practical, effective, reliable and better still, it is verifiable!!!
- It will also reveal that your Soul is more capable, more qualified, more experienced, and more skilled in being in the driver’s seat and leading your life than the alternative of relying primarily on the resources of your intellect.
- The Living in Alignment Model & body of knowledge was specifically created to ensure that you’ll be successful in having Source energy lead your life.
- The Living in Alignment Model is a self-directed approach that is free from dogma.
- The Living in Alignment body of knowledge and skill base is intended to streamline, accelerate and ground your personal process of transformation.
Why LIA and Why Now?
The Living in Alignment body of knowledge is both a response and a solution to the world’s ever increasing ‘madness.’
From the perspective of the Living in Alignment Model this state of affairs represents a lack of awareness & understanding that is largely the result of people’s limiting and/or faulty personal life philosophy about reality and existence.
This ‘madness’ is a blatant indicator that we are living our lives being primarily externally resourced (i.e. being overly identified with our humanness/ three-dimensional world) and being out of touch with our spiritual self and universal wisdom. This ‘madness’ is our wake up call to realign our human self with our Soul as a means to deepen our connection with Source energy and live more consciously.
Going within to access your Soul’s wisdom will shed light on how you can best respond to the world’s 'madness' (including your own) and its consequences. You will gain insight on how you are intended to foster wellness and unity consciousness in your own life and in the world around you.
Definition of Terms
- Is a product of your conditioning, this aspect of your mind perceives itself as separate and is primarily preoccupied with your human needs and wants: survival and the pursuit of pleasure. If unchecked, this inclination develops into self-centeredness and narcissism. Once your human self comes sufficiently into Living in Alignment with your Soul, it begins to experience more love and security, thereby becoming more willing and able to listen to and follow your Soul’s promptings.
Source energy:
- Is the wellspring of everything that was, is, and shall be. It is consciousness itself, the matrix of life! From the perspective of LIA, Source energy is a benevolent, intelligent, interactive, ingenious, creative, omnipresent, unifying, and self-generating energy system.
- Who you are in your deepest nature. Your Soul is your essence. Each Soul is a unique aspect and reflection of Source energy. It continues to exist after the body dies.
What does it mean to become internally resourced?
Being internally resourced is when you defer to and rely upon Source energy (i.e. the power that is greater than the resources of your mind) to be your most important point of reference - your go - to resource!
The option to choose being internally resourced and Living in Alignment is your birthright to experience. But it's not a guarantee, you alone must choose this way of living - you'll have to claim it!
Becoming internally resourced is achieved by attuning to your intuition (what feels 'right') and learning to listen to and follow the guidance and promptings from your Soul.
There is a qualitative difference between being 'externally' resourced versus being 'internally' resourced. The Living in Alignment process will illuminate this difference and assist you to experience it.
Learning to trust the guidance from your Soul is less about 'figuring out' your life and more about 'feeling' your way into it.
Your life has a unique flow, and you can learn to trust and live fully in that flow.
Your Soul provides opportunities to place you where you need to be, meeting the people you need to meet, and doing what you need to be doing in each chapter of your life.
The more internally resourced you become, the more self-empowered you become, and the sooner you move into a position of becoming your own authority.
Becoming internally resourced is a lifelong practice of deepening your connection with Source energy while becoming increasingly aware of the remarkable results and the wondrous unfolding of your life.
Being externally focused VS Being inwardly focused
Controlling others VS Living own life & allowing others to do so
Jealous and envious VS Experiencing abundance
Isolation VS Connectedness
Superiority and inferiority VS Equality
Living in a fear-based reality VS Living with an open mind & heart
Being controlled by outside influences VS Listening to inner promptings
Living in survival mode VS Experiencing Soul actualization
Confusion VS Increasing clarity
Insecurity VS Eternally safe
Judgment VS Discernment
Powerlessness VS Taking responsibility for your life
Hopelessness VS Having a sense of meaning and purpose
Look to others as experts VS Accessing your own wisdom
Dependence and counter-dependence VS Interdependence
Mediator required to access Source energy VS Direct connection with Source energy
Settling for dysfunctional relationships VS Choosing healthy relationships
Resistance VS Acceptance of what is
Lack of meaning and purpose to your life VS Living your soul mission
Perfectionism VS Appreciating your humanity
Active in addictions VS Effective and skillful living
Shame-based reality VS Self love
Core Concepts of Living in Alignment
- Source energy is consciousness itself.
- You have a choice about the kind of relationship you have with Source energy.
- You can access Source energy directly and immediately.
- Your Soul is a unique aspect of Source energy within, while other people and life forms represent Source energy manifested around you.
- Your Soul is intended to lead your life.
- Your Soul has a mission, and it incarnates to complete that mission.
- You are both one with Source energy and seemingly separate at the same time.
- There are no ‘mistakes,’ only loving lessons to be learned.
- The human being is an energy system, and you can learn to balance and use your energy wisely.
- Spiritual guidance is continually being offered; you need only to open up and receive it.
- You co-create your reality, and you can learn how to do this with increasing awareness.
- You can evolve through joy or suffering. The choice is yours.
- It is your inherent right to experience balance and harmony.
- Your personality and your Soul are intended to work in partnership. Indeed, your personality is to be the agent of your Soul, the vehicle to express your Soul’s purpose.
- All of life is interconnected and interdependent.
- The more your mind/ intellect comes into alignment with your Soul, the easier it becomes for your human self to experience the presence of your Soul.
- Living in Alignment is an ongoing process of awakening, not a singular event.
- Every circumstance, event, and experience has the ‘inherent potential’ of serving or benefitting you.
Benefits of Living in Alignment
- Live in partnership with Source energy.
- Become receptive to change and to the experiences and events taking place in your life.
- Experience inspired living.
- Release resentments and truly forgive.
- Experience more mental, physical, and emotional energy.
- Create a sustainable spiritual practice.
- Deepen presence with self and others.
- Individuate/ differentiate and live authentically.
- Become your own best friend and ally.
- Change and/or modify limited beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes.
- Experience a personal and direct connection with your Soul.
- Access and draw upon your inner wisdom.
- Live in both the seen and unseen worlds simultaneously, and in ways that are grounded.
- Embrace your humanity and the humanity of others.
- Experience more joy, happiness, and love.
- Discover and live up to your fullest potentials.
- Access your creativity.
- Experience more balance and harmony in your life.
- Generate greater spontaneity and playfulness.
- Heal from past & present wounds.
- Manifest more satisfying and fulfilling relationships.
- Experience self-empowerment.
- Move out of a fear and/or shame based reality.
- Learn to quiet the mind.
- Experience more abundance in your life.
- Discover your right livelihood.
Living in Alignment Skill Base
- increase your capacity to become more present/ aware in your daily life
- identify and keep your mental defenses down
- develop your intuition
- identify and integrate your insights, gifts, and lessons
- open your heart to yourself and others
- develop healthy self-esteem
- become emotionally present
- develop functional boundaries
- identify and meet your needs
- transform fear - and shame - based realities
- open to and become receptive to change
- become adept at manifesting
- learn to reframe the events in your life in ways that are transformative
- develop the skills to avoid getting caught up in the ‘drama’ of your own or other people’s stories
- identify, modify, change, or replace your limiting beliefs, perceptions, and ways of thinking
- identify underlying causes of your distress, emotional pain, predicaments, challenges, issues, etc.
- learn to come to your own rescue
- improve your ability to regulate your energy
- develop your capacity to give and receive love
- The LIA approach focuses on both the human and spiritual aspects of who we are.
- The LIA approach is simple in both theory and in practice.
- The LIA approach provides concepts to test out versus doctrine to be adhered to.
- The LIA approach offers benefits that are experienced sooner than later.
- The LIA approach is inclusive of all teachings that promote love and unity consciousness.
- The LIA approach is a comprehensive path and will also augment/ compliment other spiritual practices.
- The LIA approach is a viable/ sustainable lifestyle option.
- The LIA approach fosters a change in orientation from being "externally resourced" (ego dominated/ society conditioned) to being "internally resourced" (Soul connected/ inspired and having your Soul lead your life).
- The LIA approach focuses on integrating concepts/ skills into your daily life.
Living in Alignment Topics
- Living in Alignment with Your Soul: an Overview
- Opening Your Heart
- What Is Source Energy?
- Your Essential Spirituality
- Forming Healthy Relationships
- Examining Your Beliefs and Thinking
- Resolving Power and Authority Issues
- Deepening Your Awareness
- Partnering with Source Energy
- Opening to Transformation
- Learning to Trust and Surrender
- Your Process of Living in Alignment
Appendix A:
- Skills for Practicing Living in Alignment
- Practice Skills: Opening Your Heart
- Practice Skills: Source Energy
- Practice Skills: Spirituality
- Practice Skills: Relationships
- Practice Skills: Your Beliefs and Thinking
- Practice Skills: Power and Authority
- Practice Skills: Partnering with Source Energy
- Practice Skills: Transformation
- Practice Skills: Trust and Surrender
Appendix B:
- What to Keep in Mind when Experiencing Fear
Appendix C:
- Protocol for Being in a Waiting or Gestation Period
Appendix D:
- Protocol for Connecting With, Listening To, and Following the Promptings of Your Soul
Appendix E:
- Protocol for Staying Present
Appendix F:
- What Are Energy ‘Blocks’ and Energy ‘Leaks’?
Appendix G:
- Ego-Centered Consciousness vs Living in Alignment
- People who are transitioning from organized religion to spirituality
- People who are wanting to develop a sustainable spiritual practice
- People who have unresolved issues with religion and/or spirituality
- People who want to have a personal relationship with Source energy
- People who want to access or develop their intuition
- People who are interested in having Source energy inspire/ lead their lives
- People who want to apply spiritual principles into their everyday lives
Why the LIA Study Group?
- To receive additional support and guidance from a LIA facilitator and other participants.
- To experience a sense of community for people who don’t feel completely at home in other religious or spiritual communities.
- To obtain customized assignments to practice the principles and skill base in daily life and provide the opportunity to process in a group setting.
- Receiving group and/or individual sessions will deepen your understanding, facilitate your subjective experiences of the LIA concepts, and assist you to integrate this body of knowledge.
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