
Rylstone Review Term 2 Week 2, 5th May 2022

From the Principal’s desk

Welcome back Term 2.

I hope you all used the Easter break as a chance to rest and recharge.

Anzac Day

Thank you to those families who attended the ANZAC Day service last week. Once again, I was so proud of our students and school representatives. Our school captains, Riley Rankin and Nicholas Morris read beautifully at the Rylstone Dawn Service and all students represented us wonderfully at the Kandos March.

Professional Learning

Last week all teachers and Learning Support Officers (SLSO) attended Mudgee for the combined Cudgegong Learning Community Development Day. We attended training by Simon Breakspear on Learning Sprints which involved engaging with research-based strategies and creating incremental and sustainable changes to classroom practice. Reflecting on the complexity of teaching and the need for enhancing adaptive expertise and exploring the relevant research evidence that can inform our practice.

Rylstone staff then broke off into various workshops to further develop their professional needs. It was a hugely successful day with all staff coming back to school enthusiastic to implement their new knowledge.

High Impact School Leadership

Mrs Mulvaney and myself will be participating in High Impact School Leadership training. This training ties in tightly with the work of Simon Breakspear and Teaching Sprints. High-impact School Leadership is the practice of developing individual and collective teaching expertise and learning, and is pivotal to delivering the best outcomes for our students. We are looking forward to implementing these skills and strategies here at Rylstone PS over the rest of this year.


Next week (Week 3), sees NAPLAN testing being conducted across NSW. Students in Years 3 and 5 will be participating in a combination of online and written tests. As children progress through their school years, it is very important that checks are made along the way to see how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and mathematics – skills that will set them upon the path to success as adults. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and carers to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress. Parents are not required to do anything in preparation for the test other than make sure children have a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast on the day! Further information, including a timetable, is available below.

Rylstone P&C

Yesterday was our P&C Annual General Meeting held to vote in new executive member. Some positions were left unfilled, however I’d like to thank those parents who put their hand up to hold a position or join the general committee. Our school is so appreciative of all that you do. Special thanks is given to Sandra Stroud, our outgoing president, who has diligently and enthusiastically driven our P&C for the last few years. Ms Stroud is the contributing force behind our new multipurpose court and has organised numerous fundraising activities to support our students. We are so appreciative and grateful for the time you have given to our P&C and ultimately our students. Thank you!

Our School Captains, Riley & Nicholas, presenting our outgoing P&C President, Ms Stroud, with flowers

Bounce Back program

Next week (week 3) will see us begin our whole school wellbeing and resilience program called ‘Bounce Back’. All classes will be following a similar theme and conduct Bounce Back sessions at the same time on Fridays.

The BOUNCE BACK! Wellbeing and Resilience program teaches children the skills and attitudes to help them become more resilient.

Ten coping statements are a core part of the program.

BOUNCE BACK! stands for:

  • Bad times don’t last. Things always get better. Stay optimistic.
  • Other people can help if you talk to them. Get a reality check.
  • Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. Think again.
  • Nobody is perfect—not you and not others.
  • Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter.
  • Everybody experiences sadness, failure, rejection and setbacks sometimes, not just you.
  • Blame fairly. How much of what happened was due to you, to others and to bad luck or circumstances?
  • Accept what can’t be changed (but try to change what you can change first).
  • Catastrophising exaggerates your worries. Don’t believe the worst possible picture.
  • Keep things in perspective. It’s only part of your life.

The program can help your child to get better at:

  • Using helpful thinking when faced with a problem or a difficult situation
  • Thinking more optimistically, i.e. expecting bad times to get better
  • Understanding that everyone has setbacks and difficulties, not just them
  • Talking to people they trust so they get a reality check on their thinking
  • Being brave and facing their fears
  • Managing strong emotions and turning a bad mood into a good mood
  • Getting along with others and cooperating
  • Setting goals, being resourceful and not easily giving up
  • Being kind, fair, honest, friendly, responsible, and accepting of differences
  • Respecting other people and not bullying others.

You can help your child get the best out of their involvement with Bounce Back! if you reinforce the key messages they are learning.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Ph: 6379 1404 or jodee.burcher@det.nsw.edu.au



Please keep up to date with COVID information by accessing the latest news from the Department of Education at the link above.

Around the Classrooms

Pacific Ocean with Mrs Rankin & Mrs Fielder

Welcome back to term 2. Wow, we have only been back for just over a week, but we have managed to have such fun and recap much of our learning from last term.

We are getting really good at matching and writing the graphemes (letters) that represent some phonemes (sounds) in words. We do this as a whole class and the students are doing a fabulous job at listening for the sounds in words. We are working on our letter formation and making sure that we start at the correct spot when forming our letters. We are trying hard to remember which letters are grass, sky or underground letters when writing our words.

In maths this week we have learnt about 3D shapes and subtraction. We discussed different strategies we can use to come to the correct answer and shared our thinking with each other. We have used counters to take away and worked out the answers. We have been completing come fabulous lego challenges and creating miniature houses, rainbows, things that fly and fruit. We had to try and make sure that our creations were 3D and had height, width and depth.

This week we are very lucky to have Miss Shannon Comer come and join us at Rylstone for her first teaching practical. Shannon is currently completing her final 6 months of a Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) at Charles Sturt University. Shannon comes with a wealth of experience and it an asset to our class. She will be with us until the end of week 6.

We have been very busy doing secret squirrel business. We have had fun making things. We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our Mums a very Happy Mother’s Day. We hope that you have an extra special day and that you are spoilt by your beautiful children.

Atlantic Ocean with Ms Burcher & Ms Jacklin

We have started this term looking at narratives. Last week we were discussing exciting starts and describing words. This week we were looking at the complication or ‘middle’ of our stories. We have been participating in peer feedback and using rubrics to help us understand the steps needed for a good narrative.

We have been looking at 3D shapes and identifying prisms based on their bases and discussing vertices, faces and edges.

We have also been training for the cross country next week and enjoying reading in the beautiful Autumn sun!

Indian Ocean with Mrs Mulvaney

It’s been a wavy start to the Term 2 in the Indian Ocean classroom! We started with the majority of our class attending the GRIP leadership conference on the second day back at school. It was a great day and a wonderful opportunity for our students to think about how they can ALL be great leaders in our school each day.

Some of our usual routines are also undergoing a bit of change from the way things were done in Term 1 but the students of the Indian Ocean are doing fantastically at adjusting and showing just how adaptable they are.

We’ve had a bit of a shake up with our English tasks. We started doing some word investigations to analyse words and their parts to help us understand the meaning of words. It’s a work in progress! We’re also doing some review of what makes a good narrative and “quick writes” to help prepare our Year 5 friends for NAPLAN. 30 minutes goes really quickly when you’re writing

In Maths we’ve been practising our addition and subtraction skills. We’re applying them to some budgeting tasks and “visited” Five Wonders theme park this week to spend the money we earned on rides and food! Mrs Mulvaney even made us line up outside and pretend we were really excited… Some of us were obviously more willing than others…

Science groups have kicked off for the term. The 5/6 Science group has begun an interesting experiment to test the best conditions for growing mould. Each group has 5 pieces of bread in different moisture and temperature combinations. We’re super keen to observe the results over the coming days! We’ll give you picture updates in the next newsletter!

We’ve also been working on our Mother’s Day gifts but it’s secret squirrel business for now…


Next week our Year 3 and 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN testing.

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. All NSW schools will sit NAPLAN online in 2022.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not recommended. Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in NAPLAN. https://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site

NAPLAN Schedule

Tuesday 10/5/22


Year 3 paper

Year 5 online

Thursday 12/5/22


***Catch up Year 3 Writing

Friday 13/5/22

Conventions of Language

***Catch up Year 3 Writing

Monday 16/5/22


Tuesday 17/5/22 – Thursday 20/5/22

Catch up

SRC News

SRC activities continue this term.

Week 3

  1. How to solve a Rubik's Cube (If you child would like to participate in this please can you send in a Rubik’s cube with them. If they do not have one that’s ok. A reminder that if these are brought to school they are the child’s responsibility.)
  2. T-Ball

Week 4

  1. Hopscotch
  2. Chatterboxes

Mrs Mulvaney and Mrs Rankin

Opportunity Class Applications


Dates for your calendar


  • 10-13th NAPLAN
  • 11th School Cross Country
  • 13th Applications for Opportunity Class Year 5 2023 close
  • 20th Zone Cross Country


  • School Cross Country will now be run on Wednesday 11th May. We will have an early lunch at 12pm, walk to the showground at 12.30pm and races start at 1.30pm. Remember that written permission is required to allow your child to leave the course with anyone other than yourself.
  • Please check your child's attendance on the Sentral app and keep up to date with absence explanations
  • School Drive Subsidy and bus transport: Please keep your details current and notify the Dept. of Transport of any address changes at www.transportnsw.info/school-students

P&C News

Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM this week. It was great to be able to have our meeting onsite again and to welcome new members! The Committee for 2022 is as follows:

  • President: Vacant
  • Vice President: Sandra Stroud
  • Treasurer: Sarah Moxham
  • Secretary: Karen Croake
  • Events Coordinator: Kelly Lus
  • Uniform Shop Manager: Sandra Stroud

Zone Cross Country Canteen

The P and C once again has the opportunity to host the Zone Cross Country Canteen. This is one of our major fundraisers and is a great way of showcasing our school and town. We do need many hands to make this a success so we are looking for volunteers who can help setting up and packing up, food prep and serving and general assistants. A sign up sheet will be sent home to families this week and if this can be returned by Thursday 12th May that would be great.

Uniform Shop

The P and C have recently voted to increase prices on a small number of uniform items. This is due to a number of factors including wholesale costs and operating costs. This price rise will include navy and grey pants and shorts and summer and winter dresses. This is the first price increase in a number of years and will enable the P and C to keep all items as affordable as possible. A new price list will be sent home to families this week. The price change will take effect as of Friday 20th May.

The Uniform Shop is open every Friday during term from 9am – 9.30am. Uniform purchases can also be made online at https://rylstone-public-school-parents-and-citizens-association.square.site/ and these orders are sent home with your child on Fridays. Afterpay now available!

Next Meeting

  • Date: Tuesday 21st June 2022
  • Time: 3.30pm
  • In the School Hall

All welcome!

Sandra Stroud, Vice President

email: rylstonepandc@gmail.com

Community News


Junior Hockey commences Friday 6th May at Glen Willow:

  • Infants (U8s): 4:30-5pm
  • Primary School: 4:30-6pm
  • High School: 6-7pm
  • Senior Hockey Commences 1:30pm on Saturday 7th May at Glen Willow

To register head to https://www.revolutionise.com.au/mudgeedha/home/ or if you want further information contact us on our Facebook page Mudgee District Hockey Association or send us an email at mudgeehockey2850@gmail.com.