FIDM College of costume DESIGN: film and tv costume design

Cost and students enrolled 

Cost: Full time Undergraduate $29,930

Students enrolled: As of 2015, 2,814

Colors and mascot

School color : Red

Mascot : FIDM doesn't have a mascot

Admission information

Act : 12

Sat : 748

Gpa : 2.9

Clubs and organizations

~Design and Entertainment Club

~Blood Drive Organization

~Pet Shelter Organization


Fashion Club President : all high school students who were fashion club presidents

Art Education Partnership : any LA, SanFransisco, Orange County, SanDiego highschool students

FIDM Scholarship : continuing FIDM students that meet special criteria of Allocation Committee

Why I want to go

I want to go to FIDM to pursue my dream of becoming a professional makeup artist. I want to be able to make people's imagination come to life with makeup and costumes.

Making people into anything I can imagine has always interested me. Movies like Dead Pool and shoes like Teen Wolf have the coolest effects and I would live to be able to take a part in preparing people for characters such as those.

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