BRELLA #Keepsyoucovered

Brella is a wide range of umbrella product that comes in four major brand varieties; I-Brella, My brella, Our Brella and Bell-one. Our mission is to create and promote a casual brand comfortable, easy and situable for common daily use. we've also taught it right to comunicate the basic charatteristics of our brand using cross-media network in establishing and realising our common goal. #weinnovate

Life is a journey journey with brella. #Brella

God doesn't forget neither do i. #unforgetable

Ever ready where ever, when ever. #comfortable

It takes a while to notice something special. #doublesize

Bigger your space, better your shelter. #brell-one

Very few things are important, but what are these? #brella

Still waiting for you, Again.. #durability

The chioce is yours. #choice

For every situation.#plusone

Is just about your imagination. #forsure

Follow us on our istagram page Brelli_ssima , you can also contact us for more enquiries.

Created By
Ovbiebo kelvin

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