mustard gas C. Stutzman

Mustard gas was thought to be developed in 1916 (but may have been developed as early as 1866) for the German army. It was used to aid in World war 1. Mustard gas does not take immediate effect upon the body and may not be noticed until after 24 hours.

Mustard gas can cause extremely painful burns and blisters on the skin. It can easily penetrate clothes so its not only exposed skin that gets burned. It also can cause temporary blindness.

Mustard gas has different formulas but they all have similar ingredients. the formula C4H8Cl2S is most common. The pure compound has a melting point of 57 degrees and decomposes before it boils at 424 degrees. The flash point is 221 degrees

Mustard gas was mainly used by Germany on the British and Canadian soldiers and later against the French army. The allies didn't use the agent until they seized a stockpile of mustard gas shells from Germany. Mustard gas was disposed as an aerosol giving the air a yellow brown look. It also had a distinct smell. Soldiers wearing gas masks were not protected from absorbing it through their skin. Mustard gas can remain on the ground for days and weeks.

People who were exposed to mustard gas have a higher chance later in life of developing cancer. Tests show that the throats of mustard gas victims have had 122 significantly mutated genes.



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