Upcycling Maker pathway II

April 12: I have begun the sketching phase for my second maker pathway, upcycling. I aim to use mostly, of not all, upcycled materials. I have done an upcycling project before which was making scrap cardboard into a dragon, so I already know the basics. I look forward to choosing a design and putting it together.

4/21: I have chosen a design for my project and finalized the sketch. It is a stature of a bird perched upon a pair of gears made out of mostly aluminum and plastic scraps. Its wings will be flexible, allowing the statue to be positioned. The frame of the design will be made from old wires, whether those come from unused crafting wire or broken cables. The only item that will not be upcycled is a styrofoam ball, about 1.5 inches in diameter. This will act as the bird's head.


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