Five years ago, Alessia was introduced to her first NWSRA program, with the goals of staying active and interacting with others in a safe and fun environment. Over the years, she has found a variety of passions through participation in NWSRA programs. Her athletic spirit has shown through NWSRA gymnastics, swimming, and learning to ride a bike. She has also explored the Snoezelen Sensory Room, discovering sensory integration through innovative technology. Through the use inclusion aides, Alessia has been included into her local Park District programs. She has also made new friends at NWSRA summer camps and the STAR Academy after care program.
When asked about Alessia’s participation at programs, her mother Kim stated “NWSRA has provided Alessia and I with invaluable services. I know she will be taken care of while she is participating in NWSRA services, but also she is having a good time and socializing. She gets to have fun and I get peace of mind. It is important to me that Alessia is with people that treat her properly. I know she has fun and interacts with others.”
As Alessia progresses in NWSRA programs, she continues to improve on self-help skills, sharing and communicating. NWSRA looks forward to the implementation of new programs and endeavors that will provide Alessia with the opportunity to expand upon her own interests and explore new horizons. Through Certified Therapeutic Recreation staff and a commitment to outstanding recreational programming, NWSRA remains a dedicated partner within the heart of its communities to meeting the needs of residents with disabilities. Thank you Alessia for being a part of the NWSRA Village!
NWSRA provides children with special needs opportunities to have fun, make friends, go new places, learn new things, be included and celebrate their lives. However, even though NWSRA keeps costs as affordable as possible, it is still out of reach for some families. SLSF, the fundraising arm of NWSRA, provides scholarships to those in need. Be a part of a child’s amazing experience by donating to SLSF.
- $25 will send a child to camp for 1 day
- $125 will send a child to camp for 1 week
- $500 will send a child to camp for 1 month
- $1000 will send a child to camp for the summer
If you wish to be a part of a child’s ability to grow, learn and develop this summer, please join our mission by making a donation today.