Present day africa
Land Use
The Africans mainly use the land for subsistance farming. Subsistance farming is when the people grow crops and they eat their crops that they grow. Since they eat the crops that they grow they make no income off of the crops.
Natural Resources
Africa has tons of gold and diamonds.
FUN FACT: Almost half of the worlds gold comes from Africa! Almost half is 40% of the worlds gold! That's ALOT of gold!!! It is $1.5 TRILLION.
Democratic Republic of Congo
The Dem. Rep. of Congo has minerals like the “Three T’s”: Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten. The armed rebel groups have taken control of the mines in Africa. They force people to work in the mines, basically as slaves. They also bribe the government to stay out of their business/way.
The picture above is a picture of tin it is one of the three T's in Africa.
This is tungsten it is one of the three T's in Africa. It is almost as dense as gold.
The picture above is tantalum one of the three T's in Africa. Tantalum is used to make everyday electronics.
The picture above is a rebel group in Africa that has taken over the mines, and they use the people of Africa basically as slaves. They even work the little kids.
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The picture above is a comparison of the GDP Per Capitas in Europe and the GDP Per Capitas in Africa.
The countries with the highest and the lowest GDP per capita's are...Mauritius with the highest of 12,800, and the country with the lowest GDP Per Capita is Burundi tied with, Malawi, and Sierra Leone, and Somalia.
Life Expectancy
Out of the 31 countries with the lowest life expectancies 28 of them are from Sub-Saharan Africa. The main reason for why many people in Africa have such a low life expectancy is because of HIV and AIDs. Out of the 34 million people who are HIV positive 69% of them live in Africa. There are roughly 23.8 people in Africa who are hiv positive.
Three Kingdoms of West Africa
The three kingdoms of west Africa are Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. They also have their own trade network it is called The Trans-Saharan trade network. North Africans traded the salt for gold. And South Africans traded the gold.
Powerful Trading Empires
The Three West African Kingdoms: Kingdom of Ghana- 800-1054 CE, Kingdom of Mali- 1200-1400 CE, Kingdom of Songhai- Between 1350 & 1600 CE .The three kingdoms participated in the Trans Saharan trade Network. In the trade networks West African Kingdoms traded gold and North Africans muslims traded salt.
Slaves on the trans-saharan network
Muslims traded for African slaves instead of just enslaving other Muslims because according to muslim law muslims can not enslave other muslims. Muslims used African slaves for military mostly they were forced to work for the muslim millitary. When Muslims enslaved africans they treated the slaves differently than europeans. Muslims treated their slaves better, many could own property, serve as generals in the army, and it was easier to buy/ earn their freedom back.
This picture shows the west african slaves working in the muslim millitary with their weapons in hand.
King Mansa Musa & Timbuktu
King Mansa Musa was the king of Mali during 1280CE-1337CE, and he was the most important king ever in the Kingdom Of Mali. King Mansa Musa was estimated to have a net worth 400 billion dollars. In the years 1324 CE & 1325 CE he went on a hajj to Mecca. He Brought: 60,000 people, 80 camels, 300 lbs of gold, 500 slaves each carrying a gold staff, his servant wife, and her 500 attendants.
But he also brought back Muslim scholars and architects to build: cities, mosques, and schools in Timbuktu. Timbuktu became the center for trade and learning. They taught: religion, Mathematics, music, law, and literature.
The picture below is King Mansa Musa
Ibn Battuta