
Week 1 (and a half) And look at what it has done to us!!

We’ll, we might as well start with the above. I’m quite glad I missed this PE session as the class, including Mrs Harrison, came in struggling to walk the following day. A high intensity work out followed by some calming yoga techniques. From what I saw, it was really good fun and I think people are looking forward to it again next week…
In other PE, the children are learning tag rugby skills with Mr Brehenny. Again, a lot of enjoyment with this one, especially once we’ve worked out how to put the belts on correctly!
In English, we started looking at explanation texts. After trying one with no help, we thought about one together- How a torch works. We took one apart, thought about what the components do and discovered that there is a fine line between explaining and instructing! We then had a look at a robot chef and had a go explaining how it worked in the same way. We’re still instruction biased at times but we’re getting there!
In science, we have continued looking at plants. We thought about what conditions seeds might germinate best in. We planted tea and broad bean seeds in simple plastic cups and have tried varying light, water, soil and temperature as our variables. I will confess now that we haven’t been as rigorous in our approach as we might have been…
On Friday, we had a go at communicating like a geographer. Not a single one of us had leather elbow patches, had grown a beard or was wearing walking boots and a rucksack (although I confess I may have been wearing a pair of corduroy trousers). What we did do however was try to use some specific geographical language, shade in a world climate map and then label what information we could see in a climate graph. The graphs were of the countries our imagined team, Britain’s Best Budget Brew, import their tea from. It was really tricky actually. I was very impressed at the effort shown by the children in trying to label similarities and differences between graphs while also trying to determine which conditions tea needs to grow!