
WE GROW CABARRUS NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County

Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.

Cabarrus County 4-H

Summer Fling in Full Swing

This summer has been very busy with over 11 camps that included 27 sessions. We hosted classes for youth 8-12 year old's. We also gave leadership opportunities to youth 13 and older as they served as leaders this summer. We couldn't do summer without them! We have so many community partners that helped out this summer. We look forward to next year.

Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions.

Cabarrus County Horticulture

Visitors From Virginia

Cabarrus County Cooperative Extension hosted a group of students from Wytheville Community College. The students learned about Cooperative Extension, the programs it hosts, and the importance of pollinators. They also got to learn about bed bugs and plant pathology. The students visited the Extension Pollinator Garden, where they learned about the different types of plants that attract pollinators.

They also learned about the importance of pollinators for the environment and for food production. The students were also given a presentation on bed bugs. They learned about the biology of bed bugs, how to identify them, and how to prevent and control them. The students were very interested in the information they learned, and they asked many questions.

They were grateful for the opportunity to learn about Cooperative Extension and the programs it hosts. The visit was a success, and the students left with a better understanding of Cooperative Extension.

If you'd like to learn more about Extension Gardens or schedule a tour with a master gardener volunteer, please email Tracy LeCompte.

Working Hard

Maintaining beautiful gardens is a lot of work. Our Extension Master Gardener Volunteer dedicate many hours working in the gardens. We thankful for all that they do to help make the world a better place. These gardens are a great way to learn about pollinators, native plants, and household plants.

Paradise Blooming Twice

We are excited to share that the Bird of Paradise in the Extension Atrium is not only blooming but has two blossoms. Its very beautiful and we encourage you to come by and see where this plant gets it name.

If your interested in learning more about garden tours or joining Cabarrus County Master Gardeners email Tracy LeCompte or call 704-920-3310.

Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences

Food Preservation

Food Preservation season has been busy! Two very popular hands -on food preservation workshops on “Tomatoes and Salsa” were offered July 12 & 13 at our Teaching Kitchen. End of training workshop evaluations ranked the opportunity to complete the total hands on food preservation process, from start to finish during the workshop as the item most valued! Participants also valued that local products were used during the workshops!

Calibrating Dial Gauge

Throughout the summer, residents have set appointments and were able to have their Dial Gauge Pressure Canners checked for accuracy by our calibrated gauge. Dial Gauges should be tested each year for accuracy before using a pressure canner. Several pressure canners tested were not accurate , and residents were instructed to replace their dial gauges, which could have prevented botulism.

Baking Galore

Another highlight included teaching the 2 day hands on “Baking Galore” class for youth participants. Youth valued having the opportunity to prepare several quick breads “from start to finish!” Youth used a variety of techniques and tools to prepare waffles, muffins, biscuits and sweet potato loaf bread!


Cabarrus Extension and Community Association (ECA) help spread the outreach efforts of Family and Consumer Sciences. Members enjoyed an Intergenerational Day Trip, July 27. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Historic 1883 China Grove Roller Mill. Members are currently planning six FCS Educational Fair Booths for the upcoming Cabarrus County Fair highlighting foods and nutrition and health.

Cabarrus ECA members are also planning an educational bus trip to visit the Ohio Amish country October 9-12,2023. This educational trip is open to interested adults in the area.

Cabarrus County Fair

ECA members are also excited to be preparing educational Fair Booths for the upcoming Cabarrus County Fair! The ECA Fair Booths will be timely, outstanding and educational and can be viewed in Gold Hall during the September Fair.

If you have any questions about nutrition, health, food safety, or food preservation please contact Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences Pamela Outen or call 704-920-3310.

Be sure you sign up for our email updates to not miss any of our future events.

Cabarrus County Agriculture

Southeast Dairy Youth Retreat

This years Southeast youth Dairy Retreat was hosted in Statesville NC. It was a fun filled 3 days which included farm tours, educational activities and exploring NC dairy industry.

Farm to Table 4-H Camp

Farm to Table 4-H Camp was a three day summer camp full of farm safety, visiting local farms and learning about local foods. We also had a dairy-tasting day full of cheese, milk and more!

For more information about Cabarrus County Cattlemen's Association please contact Extension Agent, Agriculture - Livestock and Field Crops Mackenzie Hallor call 704-920-3310.


Congrats to Tom for presenting about his 2023 NCSU Extension Internship and earning Distinguished Poster!

Upcoming Events

All of our Ag Community friends are invited to celebrate the goodness that comes from Cabarrus County Agriculture! #cabarrusgrown

Created By
Jessica Cline


NC State University and NC A&T State University commit themselves to positive  action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment  regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin,  political beliefs, race, religion, sexual identity (including pregnancy) and veteran  status.  NC State, NC A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. Created with images by NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County Staff

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