France Rebekah Allen

The capitol city of France is Paris.
Rhine River is the longest river in France.
Mont Blanc is the tallest mountain in France.
Mountain chains in France: Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central, Vosges, French Alps, Cevennes, Morvan, French Prealps, Graian Alps, Dauphine Alps, Cottian Alps, Mounta of Cantal, Chaine des Puys, Monts Dore, Massif des Ecrins, Aravis Range, Western Alps, Mont Blanc Massif, Chartreuse Mountains, Vanoise massif, Dentelles de Montmirail, Chablais Alps, Bornes massif, Luberon, Vercors massif, Dauphine prealps, and Jura mountains.
The oceans nearest to France are the Mediterranean and Atlanic Ocean.
The total population of France is 66.03 million.
Lake Bourget is the biggest lake in France.
There are no active volcanoes in France.
The geographic coordinates of France are 46.2276 degrees North and 2.2137 degrees East.
The region of the world France is in, is Europe.
France has a temperate and pleasent climate.
Some natural disasters that can happen in France are, landslides, earthquakes, avalanches, floods, and wildfires.
The economic worth of France is 2.5 trillion.
The life expectancy of both males and females in France is 82.57 years old.

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