
Hayes students participate in Young Life photos by piper baxley

Young Life is a group of students from Delaware that get together several times each week. On Mondays, they do social events together, and on Wednesdays they participate in Bible studies, that they call campaigners. Anyone is welcome, whether you are Christian or not, or a Hayes student or not. Here are some photos taken at one of the Monday events and the Wednesday Bible study.

Bible study nights begin with a whole group Bible reading, then students split up into small groups and discuss their thoughts about what they read.

Three of the students posed for a picture at the end of Young Life.
People played video games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros together in different teams.

Two students read the Bible and discussed it together in small group.

One of the youth leaders, Danny Brown, led the Bible study.

Two people cheered because their team won the round of Mario Kart.

People laughed while playing Mario Kart.
Students posed for a photo at the end of Young Life.
Two youth leaders, Abigail Fries and Megan Schlabig, wrote in their journals and read their Bibles.

Youth leader Anthony Fries played ping pong with some of the teens.

Fries talked to the Young Life teens, telling them what they were going to do that day.

People focused on playing Mario Kart at the beginning of the round.

Created By
Piper Baxley


Piper Baxley