Driving On Highways Kylee Peterson


Classifications of Highways

3 Classifications:

Interstate highway system- greatest system of controlled-access freeways

U.S. highway system- the first highway system that connected all states

State highway system- network of highways existing within the boundaries of the state

Freeway Interchanges

Cloverleaf, Diamond, Trumpet, and All- directional are an example of different types of interchanges

Cloverleaf interchange
Diamond Interchange
Trumpet interchange
All-directional interchange

Interchanges are named after their shape

16.2 Entering a Controlled-Access Highway

3 parts controlled-access highway:

Entrance Ramp- provides access to highway/opportunity to search for a merge area

Acceleration lane- speed-change lane and allows you to accelerate to highway speeds before entering through traffic-lanes

Merging area- lane where you merge into highway

Video is an example of the 3 parts of the controlled-access highway

16.3 Strategies For Driving On Highways

Use 4 step process when driving:

Identify- Be aware

Predict- Estimate the traffic

Decide- Come to a resolution in your mind

Execute- Put your decision into effect

Lane Choice

Safer to drive in right lane and pass on left

Reversible lanes- Traffic where lanes can travel in either direction

If you drive the common speed limit you’ll blend better with traffic

Check blind spots

Beware of tailgating

Video is an example of tailgating and causing an accident

Changing Lanes

Avoid changing lanes too often

More complicated to change lanes on highway

Up to 3 moving lanes of traffic on highway

Check blind spots

Passing and Being Passed

Passing on interstate is safer than on a 2 lane highway

Beware of speed changes and high volume of traffic

Evaluate zone you’re entering before passing

Passing on left is best

Check blind spots

Don’t increase speed when being passed

16.4 Exiting Controlled-Access Highway

Use IPDE process when exiting

Check front and rear zones for traffic

Signal and move into lane position 3 for right-side exits

Change only one lane at a time

Don't slow down until in deceleration lane

16.5 Highway Problems and Features

Stay alert on highways

Be alert for potential conflicts

Never stand in the highway to direct traffic


Look for orange construction signs and slow down when you see the first one

Reduce speed and follow directions

When enter major city you can choose to go on beltway or spur

Toll Plazas

Where you pay a fee for the use of the highway

Continue to monitor rear view mirror every few seconds

If driver approaching fast, tap your brake lights repeatedly to get their attention



Created with images by thienzieyung - "Pimped Out Toyota Estima" • Yuya Tamai - "driving" • VladArtist - "car accident broken glass splatter" • OiMax - "Roadway" • MTAPhotos - "Henry Hudson Bridge Toll Plaza" • DayronV - "nissan car automobile"


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