Sonnet 29 By Sara rutkowski, danielle miles, sarah willinger

When i’m unlucky and get that no text back,
I sit in my bed and listen to adele,
And no one can hear my sobs,

I decide I hate myself for sending that risky text to the group chat,

Wishing that I had better friends,
Wish that I could be like her, and have that contour.
Wish that I had her winged eyeliner, and 5,000 followers on the gram,
Why am I not perfect?
I hate myself again :(
I then think about ice cream,
And I feel my spirits lift,
And I sing 0 to a hunnid real quick,
For when I think of that chocolate syrup such good memories come up,
That I love my life and wouldn’t trade it with the last kings-young money/cash money records.
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