Atiba Jefferson photographer from the skateboard mag.

Atiba Jefferson was born November 30th 1975

he shoots all of his photos for the skateboard mag, his style of photography is almost strictly skateboarding
i feel this picture stands out because the way kevin (skater) spanky long shows off his true style with a solid rock to fakie. The way that atiba captured this picture to me is crazy, because with taking pictures for skateboarding you have a mater of milliseconds to get the right picture and get it to actually turn out.
andrew reynolds at the famous love park andrew reynolds and atiba jefferson have been in it since day one atiba has been taking pictures of andrew since they were 11 and there still together at age 33.
yeah atiba has his fair share of pictures in skateboarding magizines of him behind the camera but this picture here atiba is in front of the camera with this front boardslide.
i chose this picture for last because this is one of my favorite pictures from atiba this picture was placed in a newyork skate park with tristan funhowser as the skater tfunk is one of the newest skaters on the team but hes widely accepted and loved by the whole team even with being the youngest person on the team at 16 everybody treats him with respect in love because thats what BAKER is all about. (source for photos)

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