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Linlithgow Academy S2 into S3 Course Choice 2025-2026

Your child will soon be entering S3, the final year of the “Broad General Education”. The BGE within Linlithgow Academy has been designed to provide the breadth and depth of education which all our young people will need in order to thrive now and in the future.

How does personalisation and choice feature in the broad general education at S3?

Effective learning depends upon personalisation and on enhancing learners’ motivation by giving them opportunities to influence what they learn. Choice and personalisation are an important part of maintaining young people’s motivation, providing challenge and preparing them for progression into the senior phase and qualifications. Care needs to be taken, however, to avoid closing off options for the choice of qualifications and subsequent pathways available to young people as they enter the senior phase in S4.

Our updated S3 curriculum has been designed to maintain continuing breadth and to ensure that options are kept open for a variety of national qualification pathways as pupils enter S4. Our model provides:

• a curriculum that reflects high aspirations, confidence and ambition for our young people

• learning experiences that are motivating and challenging and ensure that each young person experiences success

• a curriculum that is designed to take account of each young person’s needs, stage of development, interests and prior attainment

• smooth progression into our Senior Phase Curriculum in S4

• opportunities to experience the full entitlement to the broad general education by the end of S3

• opportunities to experience the full entitlement to the broad general education by the end of S3

• opportunity to explore and specialise in areas of study that are of interest to our young people while avoiding ‘locking them in’ to very specific pathways too early, but rather seeks to preserve options and opportunities for progression into qualifications.

Within the S3 curriculum your child will study the following core subjects:

English 4 periods

Maths 4 periods

French or Spanish 2 periods

Physical Education 2 periods

Personal Social Education 1 period

Religious & Moral Education 1 period

6 Subject Options

The core elements of the S3 curriculum which you can see above leave 18 periods of study remaining for each pupil. Pupils will therefore choose 6 areas of more specialised study during S3 from the options below. Each option has a time allocation of 3 periods.

It is essential however that your child follows a balanced curriculum, choosing at least one option from Technologies (T), Sciences (S), Social Subjects (SS) and Expressive Arts (E) in addition to the core subjects. This is important as an over-emphasis in 1 curricular area will mean that choice and progression at the Senior Phase becomes unnecessarily limited.

Please also be aware that classes that are not deemed viable (i.e. low uptake) will not run.

Course Choice Options

All pupils, regardless of gender, race or religion will have equal access to all courses.

It is worth emphasising again that at the end of third year, all pupils will be able to pick any subject for future study in Fourth Year, regardless of the choices they make now. This is in part a reflection of the cross-curricular delivery of content as well as an understanding that the teaching of skills plays a major part in future success. More information on the S4 Curricular structure your child will follow will be sent to you in due course.

What happens next?

Pupils will receive further guidance and course information from all curricular areas in January/February as well as having opportunities for discussion in P.S.E. The Personal and Social Education classes spend time working on the skills around making a balanced curricular choice for study in S3.

Pupil choices should be completed and submitted by Monday 24th February. Instructions on how to do so and a paper copy of the course choice sheet can be downloaded from the school website to assist your decision making :

Parents/Carers can contact the Head of House to discuss pupil choices if required. Contact details are available via this link:


The subject information below provides information to assist our S2 pupils create a meaningful and personal curriculum choice for their S3. Please read through this information carefully to access content on all of the courses that are available. Each course is described in a similar format allowing easy access to information. There are different options open to you and you should spend time speaking to your parents/carers, your Pupil Support Teacher and classroom teachers before deciding what you want to do.

Core Subjects


What will you learn?

In S3 you will continue to develop the English skills that you have been focussing on throughout the BGE. This includes working on reading, writing, talking and listening. You will study a variety of texts – these may be novels, poetry, drama, media or short story – and will learn how to respond to these texts critically. You will work on developing your analytical skills and consider why writers have used different language techniques and what effects these create. You will also have the opportunity to undertake discussion-based topics including debating and will work to consider how you can use language to persuade both in talk and in writing. In S3 we will further develop your creative writing skills – considering how we can create character, setting and plot to tell a story.

What is expected from you

You will be expected to participate in all classroom tasks and ensure that you take responsibility for your learning. You will be asked to take a more active role in editing and checking your work through responding to feedback that you have been given. It is also important that you complete any homework tasks set and submit any pieces of work on time.


The S3 English course is primarily based on continuous assessment but there is usually a piece of work at the end of each unit that comprises more formal assessment. This might be an essay or a talk or perhaps a close reading assessment. These assessments will be used by the class teacher to ensure that future learning is at the appropriate level and to ensure that you can be given feedback on strengths and areas for development.


What will you learn?

In S3 you will continue to develop the Numeracy and Mathematical skills you have been focussing on throughout the BGE. This will cover topics organised within the following areas:

• Number, Money and Measure

• Shape, Position and Movement

• Information Handling

As you progress through the Curriculum for Excellence levels, you should be able to demonstrate increasing sophistication and independence in your ability to demonstrate, link, transfer and apply the following skills in a range of increasingly more challenging concepts:

• interpret questions;

• select and communicate processes and solutions;

• justify choice of strategy used;

• link mathematical concepts;

• use mental agility;

• reason algebraically; and

• determine the reasonableness of a solution.

What is expected from you?

In Mathematics, you should display a positive attitude towards your studies and participate fully in all activities. You should adopt a resilient mind-set and remember that you learn from mistakes. Be proactive in seeking assistance and act upon feedback given. Check through your completed work and ensure all homework tasks are completed. Much of the material you are taught in S3 will be formally built on and assessed in the Senior Phase. As such, course notes should be organised and kept for revision purposes in S4.


You will be assessed on your knowledge and understanding of the Mathematics course at regular intervals throughout this year. You may also participate in self and peer-assessment to allow you to reflect on your learning and next steps.


What will you learn?

All pupils will continue the study of a Modern Language as a core subject for two periods a week as you move into S3, either focusing on French, which you have studied since primary school, or choosing to continue to study Spanish which you have been introduced to since starting at the Academy. The opportunity to study two languages is also available through the options columns. This would allow you to study the additional language for three periods a week which allows more opportunity to further your language skills by taking a deeper look at the topics and grammar.

The aim of S3 Modern Languages is to build on your skills in listening and talking, reading, and writing through topics such as media and teenage life, future plans and town. You will learn about French- and Spanish-speaking countries and complete a film study to build your cultural knowledge. You will also cover an employability topic, building your knowledge of jobs and careers, all whilst gaining useful transferable skills for the world of work such as completing a CV and job interview. Within our S3 courses, we also look to give you the opportunity to apply your language skills by giving you practical scenarios. This includes situations such as looking at language that you would need at the hotel on your holiday in Spain or language that you would need should you fall ill in a French-speaking country.

The study of a Modern Language will continue to develop your literacy skills as well as helping you to further develop your interpersonal and communication skills alongside the ability to work independently or as part of a group.

Languages are highly sought-after skills which can be used to enrich your experiences abroad, give you a different perspective and of course, languages can be combined with many future career options giving you an advantage over fellow applicants and enhancing your career in return.

Please note that you cannot select the same language for both your ‘core’ and your ‘option’.

What is expected from you?

An enthusiastic and committed approach to language learning. We will expect you to take responsibility for your own learning, keep to deadlines and regularly revise new language at home using online resources. We encourage active participation in all group and whole class activities to continue to develop your talking and communication skills in the target language. We also want you to have fun with the language, using any mistakes as a learning opportunity.


You will be assessed in all key skill areas; listening and talking, reading, and writing. You will also regularly participate in self- and peer-assessment to allow you to reflect on your own learning and next steps.

Physical Education

What will you learn?

You will continue your journey through your BGE PE programme by experiencing activities in a range of learning contexts and consider how physical competencies, cognitive skills, personal qualities and physical fitness can impact and be developed through these areas of learning.

You will also consider how concepts which you learn in PE can be applied across wider areas in and out of school and be asked to show your understanding of this through a personal reflection.

What is expected of you?

Highly self-motivated students who are eager to develop performance and understanding in a variety of sporting contexts.

Students who can take responsibility to work independently and/or as part of a team

Students who can apply and evaluate progress in and out of the classroom.


Your Practical skills and Knowledge & Understanding will be assessed against the Benchmarks for the BGE PE course and will continue to add to your development through your full S1-3 journey in PE.


What will you learn?

PSE in all years is centred around four main "blocks" of work:

What is expected of you?

We would ask all young people to come to class with an open mind, be prepared to participate in whole class/group discussions and tasks and to take responsibility for their own learning. Given the nature of PSE, we ask young people to be active learners in class and commit fully to all tasks set.


In the BGE there are no formal assessment pieces, however, we will assess continually throughout the year based on what you say, make, write and do.


What will you learn?

You will learn in-depth about real-life issues such as crime and justice and medical ethics. You will investigate and analyse the moral issues that are raised by these issues, the implications and consequences of them, and how they can be changed or improved. You will also study the religious and non-religious views on these issues and how they impact the lives of the followers. You will learn to evaluate these issues and the views of others, learning to confidently give your opinion and support it with strong reasoning and evidence.

What is expected of you?

Approaching topics in a respectful manner and with an open mind. A wish to discuss and debate big issues.


Assessment will be ongoing throughout the course through pupil centered enquiry, including debates, research projects, source work and effective group work.

Option Choices

Each subject option below has a time allocation of 3 periods. It is essential however that your child follows a balanced curriculum, choosing at least one option from Technologies (T), Sciences (S), Social Subjects (SS) and Expressive Arts (E) in addition to the core subjects above.

Biology (S)

What will you learn?

Biology is the scientific exploration of the vast and diverse world of living organisms. This exploration has expanded enormously within the last four decades- revealing a wealth of knowledge about the complex nature of living organisms from single celled organisms such as bacteria to the largest multicellular organisms on our planet. Today, biological research is an ever-advancing field of study which influences many careers. Studying Biology develops reasoning and problem-solving skills which are desirable attributes across numerous career fields.

In S3, you will study 4 topics across the main branches of Biology. These are:

· Can plants power the planet?

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study. Homework will be issued, which must be handed in on time. When carrying out practical tasks, you must think of safety at all times and co-operate in the work with your fellow pupils

Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed, as well as the skills you develop throughout the Science courses, including practical skills, problem solving skills, scientific enquiry skills, investigation skills and presentation skills.

What is expected from you?

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study. Homework will be issued, which must be handed in on time. When carrying out practical tasks, you must think of safety at all times and co-operate in the work with your fellow pupils


Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed, as well as the skills you develop throughout the Science courses, including practical skills, problem solving skills, scientific enquiry skills, investigation skills and presentation skills.


Chemistry is the study of matter- its properties, how substances combine to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy.

What will you learn?

Every material in existence is made of matter- even our own bodies. From the Big Bang to the present times, you will learn about the atomic structure, the different types of bonds between elements and the formula of the new compounds produced. You will also learn about the materials and processes used in early life on earth and how they have evolved to the present times. Finally, you will also learn about new developed materials and materials for the future

What is expected from you

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study. Homework will be issued, which must be handed in on time. When carrying out practical tasks, you must think of safety at all times and co-operate in the work with your fellow pupils


Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed, as well as the skills you develop throughout the Science courses, including practical skills, problem solving skills, scientific enquiry skills, investigation skills and presentation skills.


What will you learn?

Physics is the study of matter, energy and the interaction between them. This entails asking the most fundamental questions and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting. The answers to such questions can lead to advances in our understanding of the world around us and often result in technological improvements which enhance the lives of all. The study of physics is of benefit, not only to those intending to pursue a career in science, but also to those intending to work in areas such as the health, energy, leisure and computing industries.

In S3, you will learn a wealth of physics principles set within three contexts:

“Are electric cars the future?” (Electricity and motion)

“Would you like to live on the ISS?” (Space and properties of matter)

“Could you be an engineer?” (Civil, aeronautical, electrical and mechanical engineering principles).

What is expected from you

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study. Homework will be issued, which must be handed in on time. When carrying out practical tasks, you must think of safety at all times and co-operate in the work with your fellow pupils


Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed, as well as the skills you develop throughout the Science courses, including practical skills, problem solving skills, scientific enquiry skills, investigation skills and presentation skills.


What will you learn?

The course aims to develop your ability to appreciate the visual world and to respond to it in a creative way. You will be encouraged to develop key practical skills and explore ideas through a range of media. Projects are designed to build fundamental skills and allow you to develop an individual and independent approach to your work. Art and Design develops essential transferrable skills such as, creativity, communicating, problem solving, critical thinking, analysis, curiosity, and resilience. You will also gain understanding and appreciation of Art and Design from past and present and how this relates to the world in which we live.

The course is a natural progression from S2 and builds on the foundation to explore a broad range of skills. You will cover three main areas:

• Expressive

• Design

• Art and Design Studies

What will be expected of you?

You will be expected to show commitment to your work and take responsibility for your learning. Homework tasks must be completed on time and to the best of your ability. Above all, you should have an interest in creating and understanding Art and Design and the determination to develop that interest.


You will be continually assessed during your learning and you will be given feedback, ideas and encouragement that will help you develop and improve. You will also be involved in evaluating your own work as well as the work of your peers.


The aim of the S3 Business Education course is to develop learners’ understanding of the way in which businesses operate in the current dynamic, changing, competitive and economic environments. The combination of practical aspects and ICT-based learning will enable learners to apply their skills and knowledge to real-life business contexts.

The course gives students the opportunity to identify and develop the skills needed to work successfully in a modern business environment and to develop and enhance a number of core and transferable skills including: problem-solving, decision-making, time and task management, effective communication and creativity.

By developing many transferable skills, the Course prepares learners for everyday life, the world of work, or further study of business and other business-related disciplines. It deepens understanding of business, develops an understanding of the relationship between a business and its customers, and highlights a range of business-based career opportunities that are available within all business sectors.

What will you learn?

The Course aims to enable learners to develop:

• Knowledge and Understanding of business concepts in a range of contexts

• Awareness of the processes and procedures businesses use to ensure they meet customers’ needs

• Enterprising skills

• Financial awareness

• An insight into the impact of the economy on businesses and our daily lives

• Enterprise and employability skills

• ICT Software Packages including: Spreadsheets, Databases, E-mail & e-diary, Word Processing, Presentation Software

What is expected of you?

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning throughout the course of the year. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study to support your learning in class. Homework will be issued to develop your learning further, which must be handed in on time and be completed to the best of your ability.


Your knowledge and understanding of Business will be assessed throughout the course as well as the skills you develop in a variety of ways suitable for all learning styles. This will include: class tests, homework, projects, presentations, peer assessment, self- assessment and collaborative tasks.

Computing Science (T)

What will you learn?

Computing Science is vital for everyday life, it shapes the world in which we live and its future. Computer Scientists play key roles in meeting the needs of society today and for the future. Computer Scientists are in demand in many fields including science, education, industry and business. Studying Computing Science will open up a world of opportunities.

S3 learners will follow a Computing Science course as part of a broad general education, covering level 4 outcomes and experiences. Learners will continue to develop the knowledge and skills learned from the S1 and S2 Computing Science courses while preparing for progression to National 4 and National 5. Topics include:

Software Development and Design – solving problems by creating programs using Python.

Web Design and Development – learning about the World Wide Web and web media. Creating websites using HTML and CSS.

Database Design and Development – learning about the importance and integrity of information. Manipulating data using basic SQL queries.

Computer Systems - learning about computer systems and investigating emerging technologies and their impact on society.

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety – there is a current skills shortage in this area which is set to become worse over the coming years. This aspect of the course is designed to inspire pupils to look at cyber security, specifically the implications of data breaches both for individuals and organisations and how to behave online to mitigate risks.

What is expected of you?

You will be expected to show commitment to your work and take responsibility for your learning. In Computing Science this includes developing an awareness of the technology around you and an interest in how it is created. It also includes using digital tools to support your learning i.e. the use of Microsoft Teams and OneNote Class Notebook both in class and when working from home


The course will be assessed and marked throughout the session. Assessments include a combination of practical work and written work.


Creativity is at the heart of this course and its combination with technology makes it exciting and dynamic. The aim of the S3 Design Technology course is to offer learners a unique learning experience into the world of design, engineering and technology. It has been designed to allow learners to take risks and be innovative. Learners will also develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on our everyday lives and the wider world using real life learning contexts. We aim to provide our learners with the best possible learning opportunities to ensure they leave their education confident in their ability to think creatively and explore their own ideas.

What will you learn?

Learners will develop a variety of transferable skills within the following areas:

• Manual drawing and illustration techniques, including 2D and 3D drawing, sketching and rendering.

• Architectural skills such as floor plans and building design.

• Producing precise engineering drawings working to British Standards conventions.

• Designing a range of products to meet the needs of a variety of different users.

• 3D CAD modelling software to produce 3D digital design solutions.

• Advertisement and marketing using digital graphics through industry standard graphics software.

• Computer Aided Manufacture using laser cutters and 3D printing technologies.

• Investigating different types of materials and manufacture processes.

• Learning about the design process and how to generate and develop solutions to meet a given problem.

• Producing models of different designs using a variety of different techniques.

• Learning about different hand tools and machines in the workshop and how to use them safely.

• Measuring, marking out, cutting, shaping and assembling different materials in the workshop to produce wood, metal and plastic models.

• Evaluating and justifying pieces of work to meet given specifications and standards.

What is expected of you?

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning throughout the course of the year. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study to support your learning in class. Homework will be issued to develop your learning further, which must be handed in on time and be completed to the best of your ability. When carrying out practical tasks, you must follow health & safety regulations at all times and work collaboratively with your fellow pupils to ensure a safe working practice.


Your knowledge and understanding of Design Technology will be assessed throughout the course as well as the skills you develop in a variety of ways suitable for all learning styles. This will include: folio and practical projects / models, presentations, class tests, peer assessment, self- assessment and collaborative tasks. Throughout the year you will be given feedback, ideas and encouragement that are meant to help you improve.


What will you learn?

Pupils continue to develop their understanding of the creative process as begun in the S1 and S2 Drama course. Pupils will explore creating Dramas for specific audiences/genres and create a piece based around a contemporary social issue. Pupils will also gain skills on how to effectively create and portray a character during a Murder Mystery unit whilst also gaining experience of other aspects of Drama including Directing, Lighting, Sound and Set Design. In addition, pupils will develop their confidence, public-speaking and co-operation skills through group and individual work. S3 Drama puts pupils at the centre of the creative process where their only limitation is their imagination.

What is expected of you?

You will be expected to show commitment to your work and take responsibility for your learning. Both written tasks and practical activities should be completed to the best of your ability and you should show a consistent positive attitude when working with your peers. Above all, you should have an interest in creating and analysing Drama and be willing to present in front of your peers. An interest in performance is vital as this will be the cornerstone of S3 Drama.


This is a performance based course so you will be assessed on the many practical performances you do throughout the year. You must be willing to perform and have your work discussed to further your understanding and experience of Drama. You will be assessed on how you conduct yourself and how you interact with others when developing work for performance.


What will you learn?

Learners will continue to develop their practical skills and knowledge in food preparation techniques, processes and safe hygienic practices. Learners will expand their knowledge and application of hygiene, food preparation and cookery processes and their organisation and evaluation skills. Learners will address contemporary issues affecting food and nutrition, including ethical and moral considerations, sustainability of sources, food production and development, and their effects on consumer choices. Through practical and theoretical activities learners, learners will analyse the relationships between health, food and nutrition, and plan, make and evaluate food products to a range of dietary and lifestyle needs.

What is expected of you?

You will be expected to work conscientiously and to take some responsibility for your own learning throughout the course of the year. You will be expected to read over your notes at home and do some independent study to support your learning in class. Homework will be issued to develop your learning further, which must be handed in on time and be completed to the best of your ability. When carrying out practical tasks, you must follow health & safety regulations at all times and work collaboratively with your fellow pupils to ensure a safe working practice.


Your knowledge and understanding of Food Technology will be assessed throughout the course as well as the skills you develop in a variety of ways suitable for all learning styles. This will include: observations of practical recipes, presentations, written tasks, homework, peer assessment, self- assessment and collaborative tasks. Throughout the year you will be given feedback, ideas and encouragement that are meant to help you improve.


What will I learn?

The S3 History course is based around 20th Century conflict. We study the three major conflicts of the 20th century and look thematically at the causes, nature and impact of each of the following wars. Within each topic we focus in on the interconnected nature of warfare, the social and political impacts conflict has on people and places and we use our learning to discuss emerging issues in a modern context.

· The First World War

· The Second World War

· The Cold War

We finish the year with a depth study into a nation where we draw together all these themes in a new context in a way which allows us to utilise the skills of analysis, debate and reasoning we have developed over the year.

What is expected of you?

In S3 history you’ll be asked to question the word around you and utilise your literacy, numeracy and creativity skills in a number of ways. You will challenge perceptions, develop empathy and explore the very human nature of all facets of conflict.

In History you will develop your:

· critical and analytical skills, including the capacity for solving problems and thinking creatively

· independence, including the ability to conduct detailed research

· ability to construct an argument and communicate findings in a clear and persuasive manner, both orally and in writing

· ability to discuss ideas in groups, and to negotiate, question and summarise

· objective thinking

· appreciation of the different factors that influence the activities of groups and individuals in society.


In History we will assess you in a number of ways across the year. We will have formal knowledge tests, projects, short essays and free choice type assessments where you can choose your method of presentation around given criteria. We will offer numerous opportunities for you to exemplify your learning in class debates, discussions, source analysis tasks and creative tasks.


What will you learn?

S3 Geography focuses on your role as a global citizen through studying Trade and Globalisation, Climate Change, and Disease. Discover the fascinating dynamics of global trade, unraveling the stories of nations as winners and losers, and understanding how it can shape a country's development. Delve into the complexities of Climate Change, exploring its causes, impacts, and innovative solutions that hold the key to a sustainable future.

What will be expected of you?

A willingness to get involved in some ‘big issues’ and bring your own thoughts, opinions and enthusiasm to class. The ability to take responsibility for your learning and to complete tasks and homework to the best of your ability


Assessment will be ongoing throughout the course through a variety of tasks including homework pieces, projects, presentations, peer assessment, self- assessment, research work and co-operative learning tasks.


What will you learn?

S3 Modern Studies will centre on exploring and understanding our role as global citizens in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. We will reflect on inequalities at home and across the world; the role of political and international organisations in tackling these issues; and understanding what we can do to affect positive change in our communities, our country and our world.

What is expected of you?

An open mind and a desire to think critically and with compassion.


Assessment will be ongoing throughout the course through pupil centered enquiry, including debates, research projects, source work and effective group work.


What will you learn?

The course will focus on 3 main components which will provide you with a variety of experience building on what you have already covered in your S1 and S2 studies as well as introducing you to new skills and techniques which can be applied within a Musical context.


You will develop performing skills with an aim of confidently perform on 2 instruments of your choice.


You will develop skills in composition using a variety of methods and styles. You will compose a piece of music using music IT, and will reflect on the process of creating a composition. This will allow you to develop basic skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio e.g. sound recording, mixing, sampling, editing


You will continue to expand your knowledge of music styles and concepts which will support your development as well as develop key skills of listening, identifying and analysing.

What is expected of you?

Continue to develop your performance skills on two instruments.

Participate fully in all areas of the course.

Have a positive attitude towards the subject and take responsibility for your learning.

Contribute fully in class to discussions and group performances


You will be assessed throughout the course in a variety of ways suitable for all learning styles. These will include; performance assessments, class tests, project based assessments and you will take part in peer and self-assessments as well as research work and co-operative learning tasks.

PE Studies (HW)

What will you learn?

You will learn to develop practical performance in a variety of activity contexts.

This development will focus on gaining a deeper understanding of Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical concepts which impact on performance.

Consideration will be given on how to identify next steps and monitor development and progress through a practical context.

You will also grow and develop your ability to lead within your lessons and consider how to support others to develop in areas of a physical activity programme.

What is expected of you?

Highly self-motivated students who are eager to develop performance and understanding in a variety of sporting contexts.

Students who can take responsibility to work independently and/or as part of a team

Students who can support the development of their peers in a supportive and constructive manner as well as display respect to their peers and those who work around them.


Your Practical skills and Knowledge & Understanding will be assessed as you develop through this elective course.

RETURN course choice form to the school by Friday 28th February 2025


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