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Into the Canyon Summer 2023 Newsletter of Friends of the Cheat

Immediate Business:

  1. Saturday, July 29 - Sunday, July 30, 2023 9:00am - 5:00pm - West Virginia Scenic Trail Association: Cheat Canyon Volunteer Weekend - Allegheny Trail.

If you choose to bring personal tools, please label them. Volunteers should bring:

  • Outdoor working clothes
  • Working gloves
  • Hiking boots
  • Sunscreen
  • Water jug
  • Packed lunch

Into the Canyon - Newsletter of Friends fo the Cheat Summer 2023

Board of Directors and Key Personnel

Amanda Pitzer, Executive Director; Owen Mulkeen, Associate Director; Madison Ball, Conservation Program Director; Garrett Richardson, Monitoring Technician; Lauren Todesko, Bookkeeper; Beth Warnick, Media and Outreach Specialist; Lisa Maraffa, Program Assistant and Events Producer

Board Members

Chair: Rich Dennis, Vice-Chair: Chris Wade, Treasurer: Miranda Peddicord, Secretary: Michael Strager, Charlie Walbridge, Sarah Hinnant, Connie Miller, Ben Hogan, Rick Chaney, Zach Fowler, Dani Martin, Justin Reedy

Entry sign to the Cheat River Trailhead along Rt. 72 (Kingwood to Rowlesburg)

Plant Something.

by Sera Janson Zegre

I was surprisingly skeptical at first. Even with my fresh-out-of-grad school lens of possibility, I remember reading through a grant application from Friends of the Cheat (FOC) with doubt. FOC saw a future for an abandoned industrial site along the Cheat River; they envisioned a beautiful educational access point for river and trail recreation for future generations.

In 2009, I was working at the Northern West Virginia Brownfield Assistance program as a project manager of a mini grant program, funded by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, to kickstart efforts to transform communities. It was my first year in West Virginia following graduate school in idyllic Oregon. I was not prepared for the decimation of rivers that I saw from their banks my first spring in the state, nor how slowly change happens. I remember feeling as though the FOC application was a dreamy long shot. But the grant was for exactly that stage of visioning and planning.

I remember thinking FOC’s grant application seemed beyond what was possible, at least beyond what existed on the banks of the Cheat River at the time. Of the five chosen projects, the FOC application ranked fifth. It made the cut, and I traveled to the Cheat River Trailhead site with the poster-sized check for $5,000. I stood there with the FOC crew and former Executive Director Keith Pitzer while we took a commemorative picture on the site, surrounded by weeds and former industrial trash. With raised eyes, I listened to Keith describe a future river access with amenities and an interpretive center. That year, the team ran planning meetings alongside gems like National Park Service - River, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program Outdoor Recreation Planner, Peggy Pings, and Mon Rivers Trails Conservancy Executive Director, Ella Belling—who understand these things take time and community—and assembled beautiful early visuals with WVU student Mary Luckini. The final event was a showcase of the projects where we invited funding agents, developers, and other potential project supporters to kickstart the projects.

First FOCUS grant check. From left to right: Josh Daniel, Sera Zegre, Charlie Walbridge, Keith Pitzer, Janet Lenox, and Jessica Zamias

In my 20s, I would travel to the Cheat River as a single, whitewater kayaker. In my 30s, I started living in the state and investing in its future. Since then, I’ve had four different jobs and birthed two new West Virginians. Now in my 40s, I consider the Cheat River my/our home. Ironically, not far from the place of my once-raised eyebrows, I visit regularly with my kids, my partner, my merfriends. I’ve born witness to the river’s evolution alongside my own. What was once only a dream is becoming a reality that I can share with my partner and our children and our community. Now, immersed in the watershed, I am so grateful for the access, the amenities, and the beauty of a vibrant site ready to take on the day and future generations.

Environmental and social change takes time and can feel daunting. After more than a decade, I can stand in the same place I stood as a skeptic for a vision that felt a little too big. That initial $5,000 seeded a project that eventually brought in millions of dollars in grant funding. Visions may feel unrealistic, but how else do dreams actualize? It seems rare to stand back and see success within a lifetime.

Change starts with planting a seed. This physical or metaphorical business of planting is an act of hope for the future. I stand in awe at the fruits of a simple, yet courageous act of hope in the Cheat watershed. I stand in gratitude for the persistence and dedication of those who have sown and cultivated this project at FOC and on FOC Rail Trail Committee. I’m grateful to witness experience the fruits of the labor. And it motivates me to plant something more.


Cheat Watershed Sponsors: Walbridge Family Foundation, Charlie Walbridge, Eliza Walbridge, Margaret Walbridge, Patrick & Lisa Ward, Tom & Hope Covey, Robert Uram, Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, Randy Robinson

Cheat River Sponsors: Richard Volkman, The Oakland Foundation, Szilagyi Family Foundation, The Reed Foundation, Scott Mitchell & Dan Cardinali, Northeast Natural Energy

Stream Stewards: Joe Sinsheimer & Toddi Steelman, John & Emy Hinnant, Don & Susan Sauter, John Guilfoose, Peter Lusardi, David Brisell, Calleva Outdoor Inc, Hoffman Construction Company, Newton Gorrell, Stratford Douglas & Jodie Jackson, Bill & Megan Carlson, Fred & Kim Wright, Mark Gavin & Jodi Goodman, Ryan Radtka, Marina 1, LLC

For the period April 5 through July 1, 2023

Canyon Contributors: Ann & Cecil Tickamyer, Jesse Pitzer, Toddi & Joe Sinsheimer, Tyler Mayhew & Mary Luckini, Judith Cronauer & Gerard Lechowick

Narrows Navigators: Ben & Kendra Hogan, Mark Eakin, Chad Hudson, Clint & Eileen Harvey, Danny Twilley & Family, David Keers, David Kurtz, David Ramsey & Jean Smith, David, Allyson, & Linden Petry, Deanna McMillian, Eileen Paquette, Jenny & Andrew Woodworth, Lynn Miller, Matthew McMillion & Chelsey Greaser, Matthew Nelson, Micah Gerasimovich, Sam & Anita Stewart, Sheila Vulkovich, Christopher White, Steven Runfola, Susan Ramey, Bronnie Stroud, Scott & Maureen Patton

Confluence Crew: Adam Webster, Patrick McGinnis, Steve Clear, Steven Whitmer, Tracy & Bruce Miller, Willam & Jennifer McBee, Paul Lauck, Roland Savage, Zoe & Seneca Shetty & Julia Ramberg, Caitlin Sullivan, David Herron, Janet & Dan Lenox, Jonathan Myers, Richard Anderson

Five Forks Friends: Art Bomberber, Brennan Norton, Brian Hjemvik, Giabrielle Creevy, Jane & Steve Andraka, Janice Hogrefe, Jasmine Alison & Nathaniel Mohney, Kelly Mitchell, Kent Anderson, Michael & Patricia Johns, Michael Michalski, Nick & Sara Revetta, Nico Dunbar, Rexell Phares, Shannon Phares, Steve Speck, Taryn & Evan Moser, Zane Proctor, Brett Hagerty, Kristen Matak, John McClanahan

Good Ole Friends: Brian Bing, Caleb Hemmerich, Cat Volkmann, Connard Edlin, Dalton Minger, Delora Baker, Dylan Upperman, Ellesa High, Jen Patricelli, Madison Cox, Michael Simmons, Pat & Ellen Hamlin, Peggy Pings, R.S. Knight, Roger & Melinda Shrout, Sam Hess, Scott Bortree, Vincent Creevy, Amber Malanosky, Barry Welling, Chris Roth, Dylan Jones, Emily Carlson, Jesse Groves, Jim Siekmeier & Catherine Tall, Jodi & Bert Davis, John Garder, Josh Childs, Karen Reinhart, Kati Baker, Larry & Karen Findley, Liam & Brooklyn Storer, Lynette & Troy Shahan, Molly Kestner, Nate Tehrani, Nathan Bradford, Nori Onishi, Randy Kesling, Raymond & Shirley Hill, Sarah Friend, Sean Tierney, Stephen & Jaime Estrada, Steven Compston, Theo, Colette, Sera, & Nico Zegre, Tim & Karen Adams, Timothy Zinn, Todd Miller, Tracy Wolfe, William Kelleher, William Post, Fred Jacoby, Karen Krause, Jeff Indalecio & Family, Cory Murphy, Kat Shepard, Gil Damon, Cheryl Brown & Corky Kershner, Ellesa Clay High, Kelly Pack & Michael Miller, Andrew & Louisa Miller

Swim Guide Donors: Lake Lynn Generation, Adam Webster, Theo, Colette, Sera, & Nico Zegre

Meet the FOC 2023 Summer Interns/Vistas

From left to right: Cozette Ries, Matthew Gaiser, and Ethan Wimer

Cozette Ries:

Kingwood native, Cozette Ries, is studying Project Management at Elon University in North Carolina, with minors in Business and Spanish. She’s a world traveler, and was studying abroad in Spain when Covid-19 sent her home early. She’s primarily helping FOC staffer Beth Warnick with admin duties, finances, and fundraising, but you’ll see her at some outreach events, as well. Cozette will likely never want to see a paper shredder again.

FOC: As a population, WV is aging and young people are moving away. What can WV do to keep young people like yourself here?

Cozette: I think the future of West Virginia will be in ecotourism. As a state, we don't have many jobs that make it possible for people to stay. If the ecotourism industry improves, we’ll be able to grow and provide more positions for the WV youth. From an educational standpoint, WV has done a great job of making college affordable, but those educated go elsewhere after graduation. The main thing WV needs is jobs.

FOC: What motivates you?

Cozette: I’m motivated by several different things, such as: my goals to have a happy healthy life, my ambition to achieve, and the potential of what different opportunities may yield.

FOC: What else would you like us to know about you?

Cozette: I love animals, I have always been the type of person to ask to pet dogs anytime I see one. But I also love other animals, like snakes.

FOC: Who is your favorite FOC dog?

Cozette: This is the most difficult question that you could have asked. I think my favorite FOC dog is situational, for example, when Owen and Maddy aren’t in the office, Coosa and Gulliver are very friendly and social, but they won't hang out when their people are around. Clover is the closest thing FOC has to a true office dog. She is very social and cuddly. Porter is also a sweetheart, but isn’t very cuddly since his fur is so thick. I love ALL of the FOC puppies.

Matthew Gaiser:

New Martinsville native Matthew is studying Wildlife and Fisheries at WVU. He’s a WV Promise VISTA (Vounteers in Service to America), shared by FOC and Friends of Deckers Creek. Matthew’s main incentive this summer is youth outreach and education. He’s supporting Madison with FOC snorkel workshops, and FODC outreach events like Arts in the Park.

FOC: What drew you to FOC?

Matthew: I have always been around the Cheat River growing up. My parents have had a camper in Bowden on Shavers Fork since the year I was born (2000). Throughout the summers in my youth an incredible amount of time was spent enjoying what the river has to offer, so when I saw the opportunity to work to help restore and protect the amazing watershed I immediately wanted to be involved.

FOC: Tell us something you have learned about the Cheat River watershed that you didn't know before or that surprised you.

Matthew: The most surprising thing to learn about was the huge blow outs of the acid mine drainage! I knew little about the topic prior to being with the organization. I was always concerned about where fish were and what their spawning habits were, but I now have an entirely new perspective of the watershed and what is at stake.

FOC: What else would you like us to know about you?

Matthew: If you do not already know, I am a very avid fisherman. Any chance that I get to go fishing, I will. I am always trying to learn what the target species of mine is doing and where I can find them. There are not any weather conditions that hinder me from going out either. I always keep rain gear and some fishing rods in my car!

FOC: What's your favorite aquatic creature?

Matthew: My favorite Aquatic creature is a tough one for me because I love so many of them. If I could only choose one, it would have to be a walleye. I am so determined to catch the toothy fish that I am out on the ice in the winter and on the banks of the tailwaters in the spring, summer, and fall for them. Rain or shine being able to feel them knock a swimbait is a feeling like no other.

FOC: Who is your favorite FOC dog?

Matthew: If I had to pick one, it would have to be Clover. She was by my side through my whole interview and took the stress away.

Ethan Wimer:

Also a Preston County native, Ethan is majoring in Soil and Water Science at WVU, with a minor in Conservation Ecology. He’s spending the summer as FOC’s seasonal monitoring technician, supporting FOC staffers Garrett Richardson and Madison Ball. You may see him gathering water samples for our Swim Guide program, or gathering data along impacted and remediated streams. Ethan also volunteers his time doing trail maintenance along Deckers Creek.

FOC: What drew you to FOC?

Ethan: FOC improves water quality in a watershed I grew up using for recreation, and allows me to help improve that watershed and get experience in my chosen field.

FOC: Tell us something you have learned about the Cheat River watershed that you didn’t know before or that surprised you.

Ethan: I didn’t know how many polluted sites there were in the watershed until I worked with them, I was surprised by the amount of leaking mines even though I grew up in the area.

FOC: What’s your favorite spot in WV?

Ethan: Bear Rocks trail at Dolly Sods

FOC: What’s your favorite aquatic creature?

Ethan: Bullfrogs are my favorite, they have a great cry and can grow to be huge.

FOC: What motivates you?

Ethan: I’m motivated by being in the woods and streams I love and preserving them so that the future of my community improves.

FOC: As a population, WV is aging and young people are moving away. What can WV do to keep young people like yourself here?

Ethan: Provide more stable job opportunities through businesses that don’t rely on unstable industry.

FOC: What else would you like us to know about you?

Ethan: I am great at foosball.

FOC: Who is your favorite FOC dog?

Ethan: Clover won my heart in a game of tug of war.

The interns have spoken.

Snallygaster 200/100 Race

by A.J. DeLauder

The second edition of the first, and only, ultra-distance bikepacking race/gravel route in western Maryland and Preston County - the Snallygaster 200/100 - will roll out on September 16th, 2023, from the Tiny Corner Bike Shop in Oakland, Maryland.

And just what is a Snallygaster, you ask? Well, they're sorta like a modern day pterodactyl, but with nasty big pointy teeth. They're dinosaur-adjacent, you might say. Or maybe the Snallygaster is a folk tale that German immigrants in western Maryland created to keep their kids in bed. Either way, Snallygasters clearly live in remote, beautiful locations around Garrett and Preston Counties where they feast on unsuspecting bikepackers and tasty berries when in season. Word has it that they also love Hammer Gels, though, so maybe just keep a few extras.

In seriousness, this amazing route will go through 4 of the 7 state parks in Garrett County, run the entire length of the Meadow Mtn Trail, scoot around the rim of the Blackwater Canyon, visit countless gorgeous and forgotten dirt/gravel roads in Preston County (Hile Run, Snake Road, Mount Olivet Road, Peddler's Glory) and incredible roads in the north of Garrett County (Blooming Rose Road, for instance). Best of all, there are a ton of towns and gas stations along the way for resupply and plenty of places to camp. Not to mention, you'll always be within an hour of Oakland, so if something goes terribly wrong, getting a ride back to the start won't be a massive pain in the you-know-what.

Please remember this ride will be an unsanctioned and self-supported event through remote areas where cell service is often non-existent. Snallygaster 200 racers will be required to have, or rent, a GPS tracking device to make sure the entire route is followed. Further, outside aid will not be permitted (i.e. your spouse can't meet you every twenty miles and give you food and water.) You're more than welcome -- and encouraged! -- to use any publicly available gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc., as these are available to everyone and fall within the realm of fair play.

The race is being sponsored by the incredible folks at Revelate Designs this year! Revelate is generously donating six of their amazing Magtank top tube bags for raffle prizes, primarily for the racers who don't finish first or are racing in a super small category. You know, because everyone deserves the chance to win something! Another wonderful sponsor for the event this year is Friends of the Cheat. They'll be allowing any racer to camp at their Albright campground FREE of charge. The campground is at mile 85 on the 200 route and right out of Albright, so it's a perfect spot for those who want to resupply and rest up.

Head to to register for the Snallygaster race. And follow the 2023 Snallygaster 200 Grand Depart Facebook event page for the latest updates.

Snallygaster 200 Route:

  • Total actual distance: 197.1 miles
  • Total elevation: Approx. 22,000 ft. of climbing.
  • Surface type: 65-70% gravel/dirt/rural roads and 30-35% actual pavement.

Snallygaster 100 Route:

  • Total actual distance: 104 miles
  • Total elevation gain: Approx. 12,000 ft. of climbing
  • Start time: 7:00 AM on Saturday, 9/16/2023 at the Oakland Town Lot
  • Suggested bike: Gravel or mountain bike
  • Suggested tire size: 700x40 gravel tires or greater (I promise, this is not an exaggeration. It's definitely not a course for underbiking!)

Cheat River Festival Site Rentals

The Cheat River Festival Site (CRFS) in Albright, WV is available for rentals. Perfect for outdoor weddings, family reunions, and (of course) festivals, the site can accommodate large and small events, both private and commercial.

Site Access Add-ons (additional fees) include usage of the Fest Site South (Front Gate) vehicle entrance, and walkway from the front gate to the Fest Site; and usage of the FOC Campground, located adjacent to the back gate between the Fest Site and Beech Run Road. Other add-ons include table/chair rentals and lighting packages.

Public River Access Point: The CRFS is also a public access point for the Cheat River. When renting the CRFS, please be conscious and considerate of boaters who may use this access to put onto the river. Closure of this access is possible for an extra fee during the rental duration as there is an alternative access point just up river. Please discuss this with FOC prior to making rental arrangements if you are interested in exclusive access to the CRFS.

Things to note! Pets are not permitted - FOC has the right to terminate the event with no refund. No fireworks or incendiary devises. No new fire-pits. Quiet hours are from 11:00pm to 8:00am - no exceptions. Naturescape damages are subject to repair fees.

Rental Packages begin at $150 for half-day, small group (50 occupants and under) events. Contact Lisa Maraffa at for more information. Price negotiations are possible for non-profit organizations.