What are the conditions like on your construction site in? Are you always tripping over other tradesmen’s tools? Is there rubbish and waste materials left lying around?
Poor housekeeping is a big contributor to slips, trips and falls incidents on construction sites. All tradesmen on the site are responsible for keeping work areas clean and safe. Tidying up as you go will not only saves you time but also increases productivity on site. Everyone on site must work together to prevent slip, trip and fall accidents.
Every construction site needs regular housekeeping carried out. Housekeeping is not just about cleanliness. It includes keeping working areas neat and tidy, keeping the floors free of slip and trip hazards and remove all waste materials and other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, identifying safe walking routes, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance.
What you can do to improve your construction sites Housekeeping? Here are just a few pointers which a quick and simple to implement and will cost you nothing:
- Keep rubbish and loose objects clear of the floor and walkway areas.
- Dispose of all waste and rubbish into skips or designated areas.
- Store all materials safely in designated areas.
- Keep all tools and equipment in their proper places except when in use.
- A safe place of work always includes a safe means of access and egress to all places where work is done. Do not leave materials/tools/benches etc. in gangways/corridors where they might impede someone’s escape or cause a tripping hazard.
- Keep electrical wires from tools & extension leads from running across walkways. If necessary, run them overhead.
A tidy workplace is likely to be a safe site. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act requires that we have a safe place of work!
Preston & Co Engineering can help you by carrying out regular site Health & Safety inspections and reporting back to you with ways in which to improve your sites health & safety.
Visit http://www.preston-engineering.co.uk/ or contact Ryan Thornber on either ryan.thornber@preston-engineering.co.uk or 07727 552212for more information
Created with images by EpicFireworks - "Messy at the moment"