Emmett Till Getsemani Franco And Jeremiah Boatner

Emimit Till was born on July 25, 1941, in Chicago, Illinois the only child to Mamle Till

Emmit Till grew up in a thriving middle class black neighborhood. While living in Chicago with is mother Till's great uncle Moses Wright visited Till and his mother.

At the end of Till's uncle stay, Till's uncle decides that he wants to take one of Till's cousin back to Mississippi with him to met relatives. Emmit learns about these plan and decides he wants to go as well. On Emmit's third day with his relatives at Mississippi he gets kidnapped and murder by two white men because he allegedly flirted with a white cashier. The cashier was the wife of one of Till's murduer.

Carolyn Bryant the women who Emmit Till allegedly flirted with.

In the picture above it shows the two white men that kidnapped Emmit and killed him. Roy Bryant and his half brother J.W. Milan. The two men were acquitted of Emmit's murder by an all white jury.

Till's funeral was a open casket funeral. Emmit Till's Funeral was displayed to public and lasted 5 days.

Moses Wright Till's great uncle was only able to managed identify Till by the ring on his finger.

The south didn't think the brothers did anything wrong, and also the African Americans were to scared to speak on the trail because they didn't want to die.

Tills murder and open casket funeral helpless glavanize the civil rights movement.

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