đź‘‘Justinian for presidentđź‘‘ By SaraI Conliffe
Justinian ruled for 38 years (527-565) he restored Rome and made unbelievahble accomplishments. He made his own set of laws, remade cities, and was a very powerful leader and ruled with his wife Thoedora
His conquest
- Justian made an attmpt to drive out the barbarians from western Rome. He had partial success he reconqured the Italian peninsula anod the south coast of Spain and some of Africa
- He made the newspaper capital of Revenna
- That is great leadership ISis would not stand a chance on him. I wish we had a president like him
The Justian Code
- The Justian Code was aset of laws that Justian influenced
- It is separated into four books (1) Codex Constutionum (2)Digesta Or Pandacate (3) Instions (4) Novellea Constutiones Post
Arts and Architecture
The Hagia Sofia
- The Haiga Sofia was the greatest church in the world for
- It was made by 10,000 men and took years to create
- The name means holy wisdom
- It is two floors giant nave that has a great dome ceiling, along with smaller domes, towering above.
- Later when the empire was conquered it was converted into a Muslim temple
- 10,000 people that's a lot of people that he employed I wish we had more opertunties to employ that many people in the US
Extending rights to women
- daughter married passed into the power of her husband. Such a marriage was quite rare, however, and daughters usually remained in the power of their birth family. This meant that any property the wife owned outside of her dowry and prenuptial donation remained in her family. Her husband administered the dowry and prenuptial donation and was certainly the "head of the house" on a day to day basis. Some kings did not do this but he did not
- Throughout the time of the Empire divorce had been easy to get. Either side was free to end the marriage for any or no reason at all.
- Theadora his wife was a women's rights supporter she was like a First Lady in a way
- I like this system for ladies it is fair and not biased to any gender
The alphabet
- Byzantine Influenced Russia majorly and Russia took the Cyrillic alphabet.
- This was one of the first major alphabet
- Later Some letters where transferred into other symbols later
- The Cyrillic alphabet was created by Saint Cyril and was used by many Slavic languages
His education
- Justin, who was in the imperial guard before he became emperor,
- He was adopted
- Justinian, brought him to Constantinople, and ensured the boy's education.
- Justinian was well educated in jurisprudence, theology and Roman history.