JON B Youtuber

Jon Barzacchini (aka JON B) is famous on YouTube. Just imagine a channel for fishing almost at half a million subscribers. He started his YouTube channel when he was 12 years old and has been growing in fame ever since.When he got into high school he joined the fishing team because he has always been good at fishing.And that's when he met his best friend Alex Peric (AKA apbassing).Thats when the two of them were winning a bunch of tournaments.

And now he is in college and he dropped out to pursuit his dream to keep doing YouTube at full speed.Instead of making 32.1k a year being a fishing dnr he is now making 244.1k a year just making videos and doing the things he loves.

He is now sponsored by the company called shimano fishing and they give him a bunch of rods and reels and money and now goes on cool trips all the time and films it all so we can enjoy it.

He has a company called rigged with a bunch of his friends and they all have YouTube channels their group is called the googan squad and all the people who are all in it are Apbassing,Lunkerstv,Flair,1rod1reelFISHING,and himself Jon b.

His future his to keep making videos and getting bigger and keep getting better at what he does best.

(Sources) Google,YouTube,Amazon,mystery tackle box,riged



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