STRETCHING-On Oct. 18 Ryan Lindstrom, 12, stretches with the bowling team before practice at Forum Bowl. This event takes place before every practice and game in order to make sure the participants on the team are good and ready to play. “Tips and tricks y'all, tips and tricks,” Lindstrom said after completing the stretching warm-up with the team.
READY SET BOWL- Ryan Banister, 11, steps up to the lane and prepares to take his first bowl during the first frame of a practice game on Oct. 18 at Forum Bowl. During practice, the bowling team always does two warm-up games, in order to ready the player's arms and have the players think for themselves on the lane to adapt to the conditions of the oil.
"Live, laugh, love bowling," - Ryan Banister, 11
PUT ME IN COACH- Coach Mike Young stands behind the lanes during practice. Young studied the scores and is formulating a game plan and a roster for this season's games.
"I think that both this year's teams are showing a lot of promise. There is a possibility that both the girls and the boys teams will be on the post-season which has never happend at Legacy."- Mike Young
STRAIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE- Ryan Banister, 11, bowling during practice. Banister had a straight bowl on this particular toss and ended up throwing the ball right down the center of the lane. "It's not how you bowl, it's how you roll," he said.